Edon Board of Public Affairs took up a straightforward agenda during its regular monthly session held Tuesday, April 9, 2013 at Edon Village Chambers. Mayor Darlene Burkhardt called the afternoon meeting to order with members Chip Hulbert, Andy Ledyard, Warren Henry, Fiscal Officer Heidi Bidwell and Water/Wastewater Superintendent Chris Decker in attendance.
In action taken, the Board:[emember_protected custom_msg=”Full content protected for online subscribers. Purchase a one week subscription from the top menu bar for just $1.99 to read all online content (full access). Longer subscription plans are also available. Subscriptions cover our costs to attend local events; bringing forth Hometown News Coverage to our communities.”]
- Approved the Minutes, Financial Report and Bills as presented.
- Heard from Superintendent Decker that residential issues, including the appearance of sink holes, dropped septic tanks, tanks needing to be reinstalled or replaced and waterline leaks, were being dealt with; water had been turned on at Walz Park and a few sanitary sewer line “hot spots” would need camera shots to address concerns more accurately.
- Was informed a large amount of insoluble FOG (animal fats, oil, grease) is making its way into the sewer system, causing “chaos” at the Wastewater Treatment Plant (build-ups and blockages can lead to a system failure); removing FOG from the water will result in additional costs to the department.
- Heard chlorine, to assist in the killing of E. coli bacterium, would be “fed” into the Wastewater Treatment Plant’s system May 1 through October 31, 2013.
- Learned one Wastewater Treatment Plant lift pump called for new seals while the other needed to be replaced (EPA requires a spare pump be on hand). Members agreed to purchase one new replacement pump ($5850) and to rebuild the other to retain as backup ($1570).
- Tabled discussion regarding work at the Water Plant as quotes are still being obtained; under consideration is fabricating steel railings to install around the Plant’s outside water tanks, per PERRP’s inspection report.
- Heard Artesian had begun replacing the Water Plant’s lower manifolds ($5500).
- Was informed molybdenum, a metal rust-inhibitor chemical, was identified in a recent water test; its source of entry into the system is being investigated.
- Noted paperwork for RCAP (Ohio Rural Community Assistance Program) had been completed; affordable funding through their services could possibly be secured for Water Plant upgrades and to offset maintenance costs for the Water Tower Project.
- Signed the Shut-Off List.
Edon Board of Public Affairs will hold its next meeting Tuesday, May 14, 2013 beginning at 4:30 p.m. in Village Chambers.[/emember_protected]