Approving personnel contracts and taking up routine matters for the approaching school year were once again addressed by Edon Northwest Local Board of Education during its regular monthly session held Tuesday, July 9, 2013 in the School’s Media Center. President Jill Jacoby called the evening meeting to order with all members present.
Having completed discussions regarding salary schedules prior to convening that night, the Board approved for the third consecutive year, a zero percent increase in base salary for Classified Employees and zero step increases, as well as a zero percent increase in base salary for District Administrators ~ Superintendent, Treasurer, Grades K-6 Principal; both actions are effective for the 2013-2014 School Year.
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Subsequently, the Board acted on additional personnel matters brought before them which included approving a one-year Teacher Contract for 2013-2014 with Amanda Reiter, Guidance Counselor (Step 0, Masters) and awarding Supplemental Contracts for 2013-2014 to Cathy Frastaci (Extra Choral Duties/seventy-five percent); Kayla Lapham (Local Professional Development Committee); Brenda Parrish (LPDC); Annette Peckham (LPDC) and Amanda Reiter (Guidance Counselor/twenty summer days). Alisha Snyder’s resignation as Intervention Specialist was also accepted by the Board, effective at the end of the current contract year; she has taken a position outside the District.
Highlights from July Reports to the Board included:
Treasurer Kerry Samples
- Submitted his standard monthly SM2 Report indicating revenues were down four hundred thirty-seven thousand dollars and expenses down two hundred seventeen thousand dollars for the same twelve-month period as last year. The District is now tracking two hundred twenty-one thousand dollars worse than a year ago; deficit spending totals for the year reached three hundred four thousand dollars. (Decreased revenue is due, in part, to the loss of Personal Property Tax Reimbursements, Stimulus Monies, Investment Interest and Open Enrollment students; regardless of cost-saving measures, the District cannot keep up with lost revenue.) Also mentioned were Investment Earnings had dropped from one hundred seventy thousand dollars in 2008 to nearly thirteen thousand dollars five years later.
- Presented the annual Driver’s Education Report which noted the District, for the first time since 2005, lost money with the program (nineteen hundred dollars). Attributed to low enrollment, current numbers indicate the program will make good over the next year and will continue to benefit students while remaining cost-effective for the District.
- Shared that Ohio’s final State Budget Bill showed Edon was the only district in Williams County not to receive additional funding for the next two years; contributing factors are the District’s declining enrollment and high valuation per pupil.
Superintendent Ed Ewers
- Extended thanks to Mrs. Troyer for adapting to last month’s busy interviewing process; the extra time put in was greatly appreciated. Also acknowledged was the maintenance and custodial staff for all their hard work in preparing the building for the start of school.
- Shared bus inspections were now conducted in stages. Five have been completed and all successfully passed the annual check-up; the remaining bus fleet will be inspected over the next two weeks. While originally a year for bus purchases, the schedule has been pushed back until 2014-2015; several options, e.g. type of bus, how many busses, fuel sources, etc., need to be explored before a final decision is made.
- Noted with new staffing and the addition of an ESC Special Education Unit in the building, classroom assignments have been adjusted; fourth grade elementary classes will be located at the end of the junior high wing for 2013-2014.
- Informed the Board safety and dismissal plans for the upcoming year were being reviewed; community concerns will be taken into consideration as they move forward in creating a workable option. Final plans will be announced before the start of school.
- In other routine action, the Board:
- Accepted $12,601.18 in Cash Donations from Edon Athletic Boosters for the following individual sports programs: Baseball ($201.46); Boys Basketball ($2,016); Football ($5,832.44); Girls Basketball ($279.98); Softball ($1,501.42); Volleyball ($1,273.87); Girls Golf ($570); Junior High Sports ($159.50) and Cheerleaders ($766.51).
- Renewed membership in the Ohio Coalition for Equity and Adequacy for 2013-2014 ($278.60).
- Approved Software Support and Hardware Service Agreements and Maintenance Renewal with Esber Cash Register (cafeteria) for 2013-2014.
- Approved the 2013-2014 Williams County Combined Health Department Nursing Services Contract.
- Approved the agreement with Northwest Ohio Juvenile Detention Training and Rehabilitation Center for 2013-2014.
- Approved an agreement with Edgerton Local Schools for Four County Career Center bussing during the 2013-2014 school year. (Reimbursement from the district is determined at the end of the school year; last year’s totaled $14,000.00).
- Approved an agreement with First Call For Help for 2013-2014.
- Approved new math and science textbooks.
- Approved Lunch Prices and Student Fees for the 2013-2014 school year; most fees remain comparable to last year’s while lunch prices remain unchanged. (Treasurer Samples noted in response to “forced price increase” data, a new USDA ruling stated schools with food services expenditure account balances of three months could apply for a waiver not to raise prices; the District’s waiver was submitted July 1.)
- Approved an OGT Summer Intervention Teacher Contract with John Gallehue as Testing Proctor at a rate of twenty-five dollars per hour.
- Approved supplemental contracts with Travis Arkwright and Brien Moore (Sub/Supplemental Transportation) for the 2012-2013 school year.
- Approved one-year contracts for 2013-2014 with Louise Dick (Regular Cook); Staci Dye (Food Service Cashier, two hours/day); Abby Mohre (Food Service Cashier, two hours/day); Mike Livensparger (Regular morning bus route); Cynthia Jewell (Library/Media Director ~ shared services with Williams County Public Library) and Karen Wilson (Library/Media Center Aide).
- Approved one-year Classroom Teacher’s Aide Contracts for 2013-2014 with Jack Gensler, Cheryl Jacobs (Title I), Sharla Kirkingburg, Madison Muehlfeld, Noreen Piechocki, Susan Shellhorse, Lynette Skiles, Edith Tennant and Thomasina Zuver. (Required positions are based on classroom needs; no new positions were added.)
- Approved minutes from the June 18 regular meeting as presented.
- Approved June’s Financial Reports, the Certificate of the Total Amount From All Sources Available for Expenditures for FY 2014 and Temporary Appropriation additions/corrections for FY 2014 as presented by Treasurer Samples.
- Voted to enter into Executive Session to discuss the employment and compensation of personnel; no action was expected to be taken.
- Due to scheduling conflicts, the next regular monthly meeting of the Edon Northwest Local Board of Education will be held Tuesday, August 6, 2013 in the school’s Media Center beginning at 5:00 p.m.
PAGEANT PLATFORM OUTLINED Kati Ewers an eighth grader at Edon Northwest Local Schools and current 2013 Miss Teen Edon contestant relaxes after outlining her Literacy Platform for Board members during their July meeting Throughout the upcoming school year regardless of the pageants outcome Kati plans to take study hall time to work with second graders in their classroom helping them to improve their reading skills Finding it quite commendable and an honorable goal Board members gave her the go ahead to finalize her plans