By: Lucinda Held-Faulhaber
Edon Village Council moved forward to amend its current Animals and Fowl ordinance when convening in regular session Monday, May 18, 2015 in Council Chambers. Mayor Darlene Burkhardt called the meeting to order with Councilors Roxana Nester, Lee Lawrence, Duane Thiel, Dick Chapin, Chuck Bidwell, Gale Horn, Village Administrator Randy Mahlman, Fiscal Officer Heidi Bidwell, Solicitor Tom Thompson and Police Chief Tom Szymczak in attendance.
Initially introduced last month, Council reviewed the ordinance prepared by Solicitor Thompson to address the types of animals allowed within Village limits and concerns related to owning them. Following additional discussion of the matter, Council went on to approve the first of three required readings of Ordinance 04-15 To Enact Codified Ordinance Section 505.17 Detailing Permitted and Prohibited Animals Within the Village as presented that evening:
Codified Ordinance Section 505.17
Prohibition Against Animals Other Than Companion Animals
For Inclusion in Village Codified Ordinances
Chapter 505 – Animals and Fowl
(a) For purposes of this section, a “Companion Animal” means any animal that is kept inside a residential dwelling at all times and any dog or cat regardless of where it is kept. “Companion Animal” does not include any animal that presents a risk of serious physical harm to persons or property.
(b) No person, organization, or corporation shall own, keep, possess, harbor, maintain or have the care, custody or control of any animal other than a Companion Animal within the Village limits.
(c) Any animal that is lawfully owned, kept, possessed, harbored, maintained or under the care, custody or control of any person on the effective date of this Ordinance shall be permitted to remain; however, no additional animals may be added, by birth or otherwise thereafter. Any offspring of any animal that does not meet the definition of a Companion Animal shall be removed from the Village at the earliest time that the animal can be weaned and separated from its mother.
(d) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.
Declared to be an emergency measure necessary for immediate preservation of the public’s safety and welfare ~ and to prevent continued propagation of animals throughout the Village ~ the Ordinance, once adopted, will take effect at the earliest time permitted by law.
In other business addressed that evening, Council:
•Joined Mayor Burkhardt in thanking all Village officers and departments for their efforts in helping to keep Florence Township Fire Department going after its May 3 fire and subsequent reconstruction. Thanks were extended to the whole community for its support and assistance with the fire and department’s aftermath as well.
•Heard Administrator Mahlman’s monthly report noting Wastewater Treatment Plant improvements save the Village $184/month on average while other adjustments are being worked out to increase plant efficiency as well; public works/maintenance employee Taylor Headley began work earlier this month (Village is now fully staffed); Dan Ankney and Taylor will take over “meter-reading” duties following a three-month training period; the mosquito mister is being readied for use when needed and homeowners (especially in the area of concern) have done a good job at properly maintaining trash cans. Also shared were Walz Park updates including replacing the wooden play set’s worn-out tires with a play cargo net and phasing-out the Park Superintendent’s position in 2016 as full-time staff will be assuming responsibility of all duties.
•Heard Police Chief Szymczak’s detailed Service Log and Vehicle Report for April 2015. He also noted annual Golf Cart Inspections are now completed; he’d recently attended a Meth Training program and Patrol Officer Scott Wilson is doing very well in his new full-time position.
•Heard Park Board updates noting tennis courts will be torn up and all debris removed for reseeding (as weather permits); eventual plans are to replace the area with playground equipment. Additionally, it was suggested Edon Summer Ball League organizers meet with the Board regarding maintenance of Park ball fields.
•Approved retaining United Health Care for Village employee coverage; Andres, O’Neil and Lowe Agency will remain as agent.
•Learned from Councilor Nester the Cemetery Board’s Veterans Memorial project at Edon Union Cemetery is slated to get underway for completion by Memorial Day. She also shared she would be meeting with Administrator Mahlman regarding plans to recreate and “spruce-up” landscaping around the Edon Community Building.
•Approved the Planning Commission’s recommendation to accept the deed and lot split for the section of property at East Indiana and Woodville Streets graciously donated to the Village by John Toner.
•Approved contracting with Duffey Concrete of Toledo to address uneven sidewalk/curb abutment issues on the downtown’s northeast side; cost to remove and level nearly eighty-seven feet of concrete is estimated at twenty-five hundred dollars.
•Agreed to provide a Village-wide tire collection during the week of June 8; each household will be allowed to dispose of four regular automobile tires (no rims) for pickup; plans are to annually offer this service to residents.
•Was informed the process to modify the Village’s Policies and Procedures Handbook and update codified ordinances/issues by Solicitor Thompson and Administrator Mahlman is underway; all revisions will better reflect how the Village currently operates.
•Accepted Minutes, Financial Report and Bills as presented.
The next monthly regular meeting of Edon Village Council will be held Monday, June 15, 2015 beginning at 7:00 p.m. in Village Chambers.
Lucinda Held-Faulhaber
May be reached at