In addition to addressing routine end-of-the-year business, Edon Village Council also took on the possibility of hiring an administrator during its regular session held Monday, December 17, 2012 at Village Hall Chambers. Mayor Darlene Burkhardt called the evening meeting to order with members Roxana Nester, Lamar Kline, Duane Thiel, Dick Chapin, Chuck Bidwell, Fiscal Officer Heidi Bidwell and Solicitor Tom Thompson in attendance; not answering roll was Councilor Sam Steffes.
Following an Executive Session, called to discuss possible appointment of public personnel, Council approved the selection of Allyn Luce as resident representative to its Administrator Exploratory Committee. Luce joins council representatives, Sam Steffes and Duane Thiel and Board of Public Affairs member Andy Ledyard in researching the benefits of having a village administrator. Work for the four-member committee is slated to begin after the first of the year.
In other action that night, Council:
- Opened the meeting with a moment of silence in remembrance of the lives lost in the Newtown, Connecticut school shootings.
- Accepted the Minutes, Financial Reports and Bills as presented.
- Joined Mayor Burkhardt in expressing thanks to everyone who helped set up the beautiful Festival of Lights displays at Walz Park and to Chief Tom Szymczak for providing security during last month’s Lighted Christmas Parade.
- Reminded everyone Village Offices would be closed Monday, December 24 through Wednesday, December 26, for Christmas and Tuesday, January 1, 2013 for New Year’s.
- Heard Chief Szymczak’s detailed Service Log and Vehicle Report for the month of November. He also noted his attendance at a three-day tactical training program in Columbus and participation in the Edon Northwest Local Schools annual lockdown exercise as well.
- Was informed Edon Union Cemetery Board would begin advertising next month for a cemetery maintenance worker; hiring for the position is expected at the Board’s February 5, 2013 meeting.
- Learned the Verizon Communications Tower was now online; some glitches are still being addressed.
- Voted to suspend the three-reading rule and pass Ordinance 09-12 Temporary Appropriations. Funding for 2013 remained unchanged from 2012: General Fund ($50,050); Street Fund ($8,000); State Highway ($300); Capital Improvement ($30,000); Water ($30,000); Sanitation ($10,000) and Sewer ($75,000).
- Voted to suspend the three-reading rule and pass Ordinance10-12 Revised Provisions for Flood Damage Reduction.
- Accepted the 2013 Representation Agreement with Bish, Butler, Thompson & Richards, LTD to retain Tom Thompson as Village Solicitor at $110 per hour for basic legal services (excludes income tax); the five dollar per hour increase is the first since 2010.
- Was informed new health insurance premiums would increase 25.8 percent; additional quotes will be obtained for further consideration.
- Learned current Village income tax revenue is down eight percent from this time one year ago.
- Amended estimated resources/appropriations for 2012 to include additional costs for the Village’s recycling program.
- Learned representatives from Governor John Kasich’s Office would be speaking with local business owners at Florence Township Fire Hall on Thursday, January 10, 2013 beginning at 5:30 p.m.
The next regular meeting of the Edon Village Council will be held Monday, January 21, 2013 beginning at 7:00 p.m. in Village Chambers.