The Evergreen Board of Education held their meeting on Tuesday, February 20th. The meeting began with Pledge of Allegiance before the board moved to approve minutes from the organizational and regular board meetings held on January 8th, as well as the January 2024 financial reports.
A list of donations, grants, modified appropriations, and amended resources were approved as well as amounts and rates determined by the Budget Commission and authorized tax levies.
Numerous personnel recommendations were approved including a stipend to allow several staff members to complete Sources of Strength Training.
The board approved a revised agreement with Northwest Ohio Educational Service Center to cooperatively participate in special education services for the fiscal year 2023-2024.
The board also approved the appointment of Michael Fischer to the Evergreen Community Library Board of Trustees for a seven-year term.
Additional discussion took place regarding fifth grade transition, academic programs and facility survey, food service survey results, and multiple fundraisers.
It was then moved and supported for the members of the Evergreen Local Board of Education, treasurer, superintendent, and invited guests to go into executive session to consider the employment of public employees.
With no other information being discussed it was moved by the board to adjourn the meeting. The next regular meeting will be on March 18th at 6:00 p.m.