The Evergreen School Board received deep Administrative/Supervisory reports from the Curriculum Committee as well as, Elementary, Middle School and High School Principals at the December 21, 2020 Board meeting. (For anyone who wants all the details, they can be seen on the school website under Board Meeting Packets.) Topics covered in those reports included:
- A recommendation, with reasons given, to move from the Block Schedule to a Traditional 8 period Schedule as well as a list of Potential New Course Offerings (a Student/Parent Information Meeting will be held on January 19, 2021 at 6 pm in the HS gym, with a Student Information meeting during the school day on January 28, and individual class meetings during February)
- Viking Virtual Academy enrollment for second semester is significantly lower than the first semester. Currently there are 104 students enrolled.
- Gifted Identification Testing is complete, as well as the IOWA for grade 6
- Grade 3 Ohio State Test for English Language Arts results came on December 14 and Parent reports will arrive on January 25, 2021. Out of 78 tested, only 16 did not meet the standard. Students have another opportunity to pass it in the spring
- PSAT/NMSQT results for the 24 sophomores and juniors who took the test on October 14, have been received
- End of Course Exams have been held since the first week of December and were given in the safest way possible. If SB358 or a comparable bill passes, end of course exams will be waived for the 20-21 school year
- A lot of fun has been had in the Elementary school, by all who were present with Artwork decking the Hallways, dress up days, and playing in the snow during recess,
- Staff luncheon was provided in collaboration with Elementary Sunshine Committee, with funds from the Elem. Principal’s account
- Middle School held ROW (Respect, Ownership, Work) groups on November 23 and December 16, which provides opportunities for staff to support students’ socio emotional development and teach our school wide expectations.
- Dr. Bostic and Dr. McCoy from BGSU were on MS campus, on December 11, to provide professional development feedback and support to the MS staff
- Middle School fun was had during December 7-22 as the National Junior Honor Society sponsored a 12 Days of Christmas with students and staff dressing up in different holiday attire
- NJHS held a Coin War instead of collecting food this year for its annual Fulton County Christmas Cheer Drive. The students raised $1057.67.
- HS Staff have organized Google Classrooms, trained students how to do virtual learning and developed and communicated plans to students for completing coursework if they are unable to attend for a COVID -19 reason
- A Remote Learning Letter has been created to connect with parents IF they need to shift to fully remote learning
- December 21 was a day of meeting second semester teachers and traveling to their upcoming classes
- Ellie Johnson was selected to attend the Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership Academy as the Evergreen HS Representative for 20-21 school year.
- College Placement Exam has been scheduled for February 26, 2021 for interested students
- In Athletics – relatively normal participation has been occurring, fall athletic surveys are complete but only a small percentage of student athletes and parents completed each end of season survey
During the December 21 meeting, the Board voted to accept or approve:
- Agenda
- Minutes of previous meeting
- Notice of Resignation of Tina Jones, District Library/Media Services Coordinator, effective May 31, 2021 for the purpose of retirement. (She is greatly appreciated and will be missed.)
- Evergreen was approved for First Energy Mercantile Program and will receive a rebate check of $9785 for energy saving measures
- Financial Reports
- Anonymous Donation of $100 to Student Assistance Fund
- Fund to fund transfer of $2006.71 from Tournament to Athletic Department
- Appropriation modifications
- Increase in petty cash from $3000 to $4500 for Athletic Petty Cash
- FMLA Request for Caitlin Adamezak, for February 4,2021 – April 28, 2021
- 2021-22 School Calendar
- 2021-22 School Calendar
- Appointment of Sue Clendenin to the Library Board of Trustees for a seven-year term beginning January 1, 2021 and ending December 31, 2027
- Requirement of Evergreen Local School District to conduct a biennial Financial Review of all district support organizations on behalf of the school board
- Employee Dishonesty and Faithful Performance of Duty Policy in Lieu of Bond
- Proposed policy revisions to Graduation Requirements
- OSBA Membership for 2021
- Organizational Meeting will be held on January 12, 2021 at 5:45 in the gym with regular meeting to follow immediately after
- Don Smith as President Pro Tempore to preside at the beginning of the Organizational meeting until the newly elected president assumes the chair
Some discussion was held concerning NWOAL. Also, Prior to drafting resolutions for the January Organizational Meeting of the Board, they voted to approve seven directions for the year, except for number 5 which they voted to change to accepting Oral and Written reports from building principals at meetings.
The six approved were: 1. Superintendent shall continue to serve as the purchasing agent with single item spending limit of $35,000, 2. Dispense with the reading of the “minutes” of previous meeting, 3. Utilize a consent agenda by topic, 4. Continue to meet on the third Monday of the month at 6 p.m., 5. Changed, 6. Continue to be compensated for a maximum of 13 meetings per year, and 7. Continue an Opening Ceremony of regular meetings that consists of Pledge of Allegiance.
The next regular meeting will be held on January 12, 2021 at 6 pm. With no further business, the meeting adjourned.