APPLICATION DISCUSSION … The Fayette Village Council discusses the Fayette Fall Fest event application and decides to table the issue until the next meeting. (PHOTO BY JACOB KESSLER, STAFF)
By: Jacob Kessler
The Fayette Village Council held their meeting on Wednesday, August 25th. The meeting was called to order at 6:00p.m. followed by a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.
Council member Suzette Boesger was not present at the time roll call was initiated. The council then moved on to approve the agenda with amendments that had been made.
The minutes for the previous meeting on July 28th were approved as well as the minutes from the previous safety meeting on August 4th.
The Governmental affairs meeting minutes from August 4th were also approved as well as the previous meetings minutes from August 18th. The Public Works and Finance committee minutes from August 18th were also approved. With no visitors present to address council, everyone proceeded to the report of Municipal Offices.
The Mayor stated that he had gone to the Toledo Area Chamber of Commerce get together at the Great Lakes National Museum in Toledo. He stated that the museum was fantastic. Council woman Suzette Boesger then entered the meeting at 6:05 p.m.
Moving on to the Administrator’s report, the State of Ohio’s Infrastructure grant for Water and Wastewater’s application was sent out to the county and the State. The hope is to get priority points from the county to go along with getting the application for grant money approved.
The industrial Parkway purchase is complete, and the Village is now officially the owners of that parcel. The Villages part of the Splash Pad agreement was submitted to the state and the other half was sent to who it needs to go to in the State organization.
The chip and seal agenda item that was voted on during the previous meeting would cost around $50,000 this year if all locations were done. A motion was made to leave out Gorham Street and look at doing it next year in order to get the 5 other locations done this year for a reduced amount of $25,000. The motion made for the chip and seal issue passed.
Moving to the Village Fiscal Officers Report, a bill report that was sent out did not include the dollar amount for the bank card. The bank stated that there was no amount due this month but out of an abundance of caution it was recommended to pay the bill anyways to avoid any issues.
A call was placed to the village’s insurance company to inquire about adding another event to this year’s list and if it would increase the cities bill. Nothing was heard back from them as of yet, but a call should be coming in shortly.
A motion then was made to accept the report as read as well as to pay the bills with both motions passing.
With no communications, ordinances or resolutions to be looked at the council moved to hire Eli Eberly as a part time seasonal employee at $11.47 an hour to be effective immediately.
A motion was made to approve the Fayette Fall Fest event application with council member Chris Meeker stating that he thinks the council should wait until they hear back from the insurance company. With all of council in agreement, the event application was tabled until the next meeting.
A motion was then made to renew the BORMA standard plan 3 for employee health insurance for 2022 with employee contribution to remain at 7%. The motion was approved.
Another motion was then made to renew on a voluntary basis the BORMA Value Plan for Vision benefits and the BORMA Value Plan for dental benefits for 2022. This motion also passed.
With no old or new business, the council adjourned for the evening at 6:27 p.m.
Jacob can be reached at