The Fayette Board of Education held their meeting on Monday August 9th at 6:30pm. Roll call was initiated followed by reports and updates from the Superintendent, Treasurer, High School, Middle School, and Elementary Principals, and the technology department.
The Board then entered into executive session at 6:35PM and returned at 7:09PM. Upon return, the Board voted to approve the financial report for the months of June and July of 2021. The board then moved to agreements and policies with the following issues being approved.
A one-year contract with the Village of Fayette to provide security services via School Resource Officer on campus during the 2021-2022 school year.
An affiliation agreement with Northwest State Community College for continued support with the early childhood paraprofessional education programs for two years ending June 30th, 2023.
A bond refinancing resolution for the 2017 bond issuance. Brad Ruwe of Dinsmore and Shohl LLP as bond counsel for bond refinancing and issuing of the original 2017 bond issuance.
An agreement with Lindsey Burkholder for payment to transport students to Wauseon Primary School for 2021-2022 school year at a rate of $2,000. A shared agreement with Edon Local Schools to provide language instruction to their students with a teacher from Fayette Local Schools for an annual cost of $20,000.00.
The board then moved to hear issues regarding staffing with the following being approved.
Resignation of Jenna Gordon as preschool teacher effective August 1st, 2021. Resignation of Stephanie Kirkum as vocal music teacher effective August 10th, 2021. A one-year agreement for Brock
Hardy as a Grant Classroom Reduction Specialist position for fiscal year 2022. A one-year contract for Amber Hansel as Preschool Intervention Specialist teacher for fiscal year 2022.
A substitute teaching contract for Kevin Hayes for fiscal year 2022. A one-year supplemental contract for Aaron Hylander as Athletic Director for 2021-2022.
A one-year supplemental contract for Lauren Yoder as Director of Youth Programs for 2021-2022. Heidi Stambaugh as volunteer for mini-milers youth program for fiscal year 2022.
Extended time for Chris Becker as vehicle mechanic up to 10 days for fiscal year 2022. Joann Cousino as a certified bus trainer and OBI instructor. Gllria Reader as a certified bus trainer and OBI instructor.
Multiple substitute bus driver agreements and certified personnel for van transports. $12.00/hr. for substitute custodian, cook and secretary positions beginning August 10th, 2021. Monthly substitute list for teachers and paras from NwoESC for fiscal year 2022.
One-year contract for Chris Becker as transportation coordinator for fiscal year 2022 at an annual salary of $9,000. Ryan Eberly as a volunteer bus driver for 2021-2022 school year. Multiple other supplemental positions and non-paid positions were also approved.
The board also moved to approve student transportation, including bus routes for the 2021-2022 school year and authorize the superintendent and or designee to make any changes necessary to these routes.
The Fayette Local School curriculum and guidance handbook revisions for the 2021-2022 school year were also approved. Board members then appointed Kirk Keiser as delegate and Terry Kovar as alternate delegate to the 2021 OSBA Annual Conference.
The meeting was then adjourned at 7:32pm.