ORDINANCE … Fayette council members and Mayor Borer discuss the pending legislative actions. (PHOTO BY JACOB KESSLER, STAFF)
By: Jacob Kessler
The Fayette Village Council held their meeting on Wednesday, March 11th. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. followed by a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.
Council first moved to approve the agenda as amended to include the first reading of a new ordinance. The minutes for the February 24th meeting were also approved.
The mayor then gave a short report with him stating that tomorrow night, Thursday March 10th, is bologna night at the Opera House.
There are different kinds of bologna and there will also be a competition. He also explained that the Legion Auxiliary will be holding a dinner soon and that fliers are around town for those who are interested.
The Administrators report followed after with the topic of discussion being the water distribution project plan.
It was stated that during the last meeting, the plan was discussed as well. ARCADIS has completed most of the technical work for the project including mapping requests, pressure tests and more.
Council voted to approve the Administrators report before moving to hear a report from the VFO. A few last-minute changes were made to the bill list.
A new list was printed off and given to council members. Upcoming agenda items were also explained before the report and payment of the bills were approved by council.
The following resolution and ordinances were approved by council, each under emergency provisions. Resolution 2022-03 to enter into contract with Arcadis for the design of the water distribution system.
Ordinance 2022-02 for the increasing of revenues. Ordinance 2022-01 for permanent appropriations.
Council then approved the transfer of a liquor permit from Ron and Melody Lichtenwald to One More Bar and Grill LLC before discussing and approving a motion to change flex time for village employees.
With no other business to attend to, council moved to adjourn at 6:35 p.m.
Jacob can be reached at jacob@thevillagereporter.com