COUNCIL … Members of the Fayette Village Council discuss the possibility of purchasing a drone from the county. (PHOTO BY JACOB KESSLER, STAFF)
By: Jacob Kessler
The Fayette Village Council held their meeting on Wednesday, December 14th. The meeting began at 6:04 p.m. followed by a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes from the council meeting held on November 30th, Finance Committee meeting held on November 30th and Safety Committee meeting held on December 8th were approved first before moving on to hear from visitors.
Karen King from the Fayette CDC spoke to council regarding a business that has joined the CDC called Green Bubble Gorgeous.
King stated that the products are very unique and that customers can order items online to pick up in Fayette.
The mayor’s report followed next. Christmas caroling will take place on December 18th. The group will be meeting at the Christian Church at 5:30 p.m.
Afterward, the Fayette Fire Department will have a parade for Santa at 6:00 p.m. and then cookies, cider and cocoa at the fire hall at 6:30 p.m.
Three groups of three students will be painting the windows of local business for Christmas on Thursday, December 15th.
The activity will begin at 9:00 a.m. The mayor then stated that he had been over to Green Bubble Gorgeous and that the smell was wonderful.
He also stated that he will be attending the county commissioners session on Tuesday December 20th due to their awarding the bid for the well houses.
Moving on to the administrator’s report, the process is going along to possibly tear down a dilapidated house in the village. No certified letters have been issued at this time.
A meeting with Arcadis was held and everything looks to be continuing on. The office Christmas party was held on December 9th, a video monitor was purchased for the conference room and correspondence is taking place with ERM.
It was also stated that phase three was eliminated from the water project. All the work will be completed in only two phases. Other avenues to cut costs are also being explored.
The VFO’s report was given next with it being stated that one additional bill was added to the bill list.

The drone, as discussed previously and if purchased, will require the pilot to obtain a license at a fee of $400.00 per person.
They must also have so many flight hours to obtain their license. The list of bills as presented was then approved by council before moving on to read a letter sent to the village from Solicitor Mark Powers.
The letter states that, since he has retired from private practice, he will no longer be the village solicitor effective January 3rd, 2023. Mr. Powers served the village for over 30 years.
The following ordinance and resolutions were then approved.
The first reading of Ordinance 2022-12, passed with suspended rules, to enact bonus pay for employees in 2022.
The first reading of Ordinance 2022-13, passed with suspended rules, to repeal Ordinance 2021-14 and set the wages, salaries and medical benefits for the employees and officials of the Village of Fayette for 2023.

The second reading of Resolution 2022-13 declaring it necessary to levy a tax in excess of the ten-mil limitation for the park.
The second reading of Resolution 2022-14 declaring it necessary to levy a tax in excess of the ten-mil limitation for current expenses.
The second reading of Resolution 2022-15 authorizing the village administrator to enter into and execute an agreement for Emergency Management Services with the Emergency Management Agency for 2023.
The second reading of Ordinance 2022-11 for temporary appropriations for 2023.
Council next discussed the possibility of purchasing a drone from the county. Following discussion, council agreed that there was little a drone could do to benefit the village.
Combined with the cost and needing to have an employee licensed and stay licensed, it was not worth it.

With all of that being said, a motion was made to not purchase the drone which passed.
The following additional legislative actions were then approved.
A motion to recommend to Maumee Valley Planning that the well-field fencing project be awarded Lake Erie Construction of Norwalk, Ohio and to commit to a village contribution of $13,125.00.
A motion to authorize Administrator Beals to a sign term sheet with OWDA for a supplemental loan in the amount of $679,068.00.
A motion to allow Zach Lester to carry over up to an additional 40 hours of vacation time to 2023.
A motion to close the village offices to the public on Martin Luther King Day, President’s Day, Columbus Day, and Veteran’s Day.

Following those items, the meeting was adjourned at 6:50 p.m.
Jacob can be reached at