The Ohio Department of Education (ODE) has recently released report card grades for Ohio’s Career Technical Schools. According to the ODE, the new rating system is believed to be the first of its kind in the nation to use A to F letter grades and to exceed the federal requirements. The new career-tech report cards were developed by representatives from six Ohio education organizations as required by legislation. The Career Technical Education (CTE) report card consists of five components (Achievement, Graduation, Post Program Outcomes, Prepared for Success, and Financial Data) three of which receive grades.
Four County Career Center, serving 22 associate schools in the four county area, was one of only eight Career Technical Schools in Ohio to receive all A’s on their report card. “We are certainly very proud of the CTE Grade Card results.”, said Superintendent Tim Meister. “It speaks volumes about how terrific our entire staff is at Four County. The challenge we now face is not being satisfied with this report card, but to continue to find ways to improve and excel each day.”
Story by: Janet Knierim