Four County Career Center students united in a school-wide effort and collected 3,460 pounds (or 10,391 servings) of non-perishable food items for the annual “Neighbors In Need” campaign sponsored by 105.7 The Bull and Chief Supermarkets. All career & technical programs at the Career Center participated in the “Packing the Pirate Ship” campaign and filled a pirate ship with the non-perishable items. Through their involvement, the students hope that families in northwest Ohio will have a happier Thanksgiving and Christmas. Shown above filling vehicles to take to St. John’s Lutheran Church and St. Paul’s United Methodist Church food pantries in Defiance and following the 105.7 The Bull live remote broadcast are (FRONT – LEFT TO RIGHT) Alyssa Imm (Edgerton) Carpentry; Rachel Thompson (Hicksville) Fire & Rescue; Caitlyn Meade (Hilltop) Computer Networking & Repair; Thomas Cameron (Tinora) Auto Collision Repair; Brooke Fields (Hicksville) Fire & Rescue; Emma Geitgey (Patrick Henry) Visual Art & Design; Mason Locke (Hilltop) Law Enforcement & Security Tactics; Amy Ducat from St. John’s Lutheran Church; (BACK – LEFT TO RIGHT) Marie and Paul Feree from St. Paul’s United Methodist Church; Josh Busch, 105.7 Program Director; Corey Backhaus (Tinora) Law Enforcement & Security Tactics; Krista Whetro, Cosmetology instructor; Brent Roughton, Clear Channel Marketing Specialist; Robert Montgomery (Patrick Henry) Law Enforcement & Security Tactics; Brittney Schreiber (Napoleon) Law Enforcement & Security Tactics; Jaryd Hobbs (Archbold) Automotive Technologies; Bristle Dix (Stryker) Pre-Engineering; Spencer Hines (Ayersville) Pre-Engineering; and Bill Parsley, Social Studies instructor.
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