By: Jacob Kessler
The Fulton County Commissioners held their first meeting of the week on Tuesday, March 7th. The meeting began at 9:00 a.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer, followed by approval of the minutes for the March 2nd meeting and current agenda.
Approval of the bills took place next along with a review of the Fulton County Transfer Facility Inspection Report, Treasurer to Auditor Balancing Report, Amended Certificate of Estimated Resources, Certificate of Non-Compliance, and Expedited Annexation Petition 2023-1 for the Village of Delta. The following agenda items were then approved.
– Resolution 2023-199 for the increase and transfer of appropriations for various departments.
– Resolution 2023-200 to approve an amendment to the Personnel Policy Manual.
– Resolution 2023-201 to accept the Northeast Water System Rates for 2023.
– Resolution 2023-202 to award a bid for the demolition of the Chesterfield School.
– Resolution 2023-203 to approve Pay Request #1 to Contract 2022-87 with Peterson
Construction Company for the Water Booster Pump Station Upgrade.
– Resolution 2023-204 to approve purchase orders and travel requests.
Fenson Contracting LLC was awarded the bid for the Chesterfield School Demolition Project as a cost of $140,000. With no further business to attend to, the meeting was adjourned at 9:06 a.m.
The commissioners then held their second meeting of the week on Thursday, March 9th. The meeting began at 9:00 a.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer followed by a review of the February 2023 Investment Report. The following agenda items were then approved.
– Resolution 2023-207 for the increase and transfer of appropriations for various departments.
– Resolution 2023-208 to approve oversight of Contract 2023-63 with ISolved for Time
and Attendance subscription and equipment on behalf of JFS.

– Resolution 2023-209 to award a bid for the Resurfacing of Road 5-2, Road 24 and Road S on behalf of the engineer.
– Resolution 2023-210 to appoint a maintenance employee.
– Resolution 2023-211 to approve purchase orders and travel requests.
With no other matters to attend to, the meeting was adjourned. The meeting to be held on Tuesday, March 14th has been cancelled due to a lack of quorum.
Jacob can be reached at