By: Jacob Kessler
The Fulton County Commissioners held their meeting on Tuesday, December 6th. The meeting began at 9:00 a.m. starting with a bid opening for the Fayette Wellfield Fencing Project.
The Pledge of Allegiance followed after along with a prayer. Minutes from the December 1st meeting, current agenda and payment of the bills was passed next before moving on to review the month end financial report and sales tax report.
The following agenda items were then approved.
– Resolution 2022-893 for the increase and transfer of appropriations for various departments.
– Resolution 2022-894 to enter into Contract 2022-114 with Buckeye Elm Contracting LLC for the Wauseon Soil Cleanup Project – Britsch.
– Resolution 2022-895 to enter into Contract 2022-116 with Fulton County EMA for countywide emergency management services.
– Resolution 2022-896 to authorize the board president to execute a release of funds & certification for the 2022 CHIP Program.
– Resolution 2022-897 to authorize a final closeout letter for the FY18 ODOT Grant for obstruction lighting runway 9 at airport.
– Resolution 2022-898 to enter into Grant Agreement 2022-117 with ODOT for the FY23 Ohio Airport Matching Grant Program – FAA Project 3-39-0087-020-2022.
– Resolution 2022-899 to approve personnel request on behalf of the JFS.
– Resolution 2022-900 to approve purchase orders and travel requests.
– Resolution 2022-901 to designate JFS as a workforce development agent.
– Resolution 2022-902 to authorize an ad for a full-time housekeeper.
With no other items on the agenda to attend to, Commissioners moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:10 a.m.

Thursday’s Commissioner Session was cancelled due to a winter conference.
Jacob can be reached at