It has come to our attention that the fairs in Fulton County Arkansas and Pennsylvania have recently cancelled. This has caused some confusion for Fulton County – OH.
The Fulton County Fair – OH is currently working with the Fulton County Health Dept., Sheriff’s Dept., and OSU Extension – Fulton County. No decision has been made as of June 3.
As you can imagine there are so many new things we must take into consideration – and there are still a multitude of unanswered questions. Please know that our priorities are the safety and well being of our community and our youth. A Fair Task Force was formed at the state level and to date, they have issued the guidelines listed below that we must adhere to.
We hope to present a plan to our Health Dept. for approval in June. We will keep you informed as best we can. Thank you for your patience and support.
For Guidelines visit: