By: Jennifer Ellison
For those who have been wondering whether or not the Fulton County Relay for Life event will be happening, we now have the answer.
Public Relations Chairwoman Amanda Bird has spoken out and announced that the Relay for Life event will not be happening as traditionally planned this year due to lingering COVID restrictions. The in-person event has been called off.
However, a modified Luminaria event has been scheduled to be held on June 11th at the Fulton County Fairgrounds. As arguably one of the most meaningful and powerful moments of the ceremony, Ms. Bird feels it’s important to keep this part of the tradition alive.
All candles purchased for the Luminara will be read in honor of those fighting against cancer, as well as those who have passed on as a result of this devastating illness.
All who are interested in reading the names for the Luminaria are welcome to join their community at the fairgrounds, and those interested in taking part in the drive-thru portion of the event will be asked to enter through Gate F and follow the signs heading south. The predetermined path will end at St. Rt. 108.
The event will be streamed live through the Fulton County Ohio Relay for Life Facebook page for those who can’t make it. The American Cancer Society has cleared the Fulton County Relay for Life community to begin planning an in-person event at Homecoming Park on October 2nd, 2021.
More information will be available at a later date and Amanda Bird can be reached at for any further questions.
Jennifer can be reached at