PRESS RELEASE – After retiring from work in construction, Jim Mapes became one of our Senior Center home delivery meal drivers.
His route covers the Fairlawn campus and Wyse Commons in Archbold. He delivers more than 40 meals every week day.
When he is not delivering meals, you will likely find him in his garage working on his next project. “I started woodworking fifty years ago. I saw a scroll saw one day, and I picked it up, and started cutting things out.”
“My first project was a train. It took me a lot of time. I’d throw away wood, and start all over. I like woodworking because it’s a challenge,” he said. Magazines, photographs and even gift bags have inspired Jim’s projects.
“I never know where the idea for my next project will come from. One time I saw three colors of linoleum in a store, and bought it to be a background because it looked like sky and grass,” he said.
From wolves to wizards, sailboats to scarecrows, Jim has created hundreds of projects over the years. Jim cuts out each piece, then sands it, and either paints it or stains it before he glues it into place.
Woodworking is not Jim’s only hobby, however. “I also like to fish. I fish before work and after work. I probably catch 1,000 bluegill every year. I like to stay busy,” he added.
Born and raised in Lucas County, Jim graduated class of 1968 from Swanton High School. He and his wife, Emma, have two sons and one grandchild.