Paula Peffley, executive director, of Helping Hands Food Pantry Inc. in Montpelier was guest speaker at the February 13th monthly general meeting of CHWC-Montpelier Hospital Auxiliary. Auxiliary President Armeda Sawmiller opened the meeting and introduced Mrs. Peffley.
Staffed entirely by volunteers, the food pantry is located at 309 West Washington St. in the same building as House of Prayer, across from the post office.
Serving the Montpelier area community, the pantry offers food and personal hygiene items to low income individuals and families who need assistance. They are required to fill out an application for all members of the household and receive a copy of the pantry’s distribution policy. The pantry is open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. and Thursday evenings 5:30-7:30 p.m.
The pantry is financed through monetary and food donations and low-cost purchases from the Northwest Ohio Food Bank in Toledo.
Currently partnership letters are being sent to potential sponsors in an effort to raise funds. Mrs. Peffley reported that it takes $2000 per month to keep items stocked so the doors will remain open.
Food items are not sold but coupons are available for a $10.00 donation each to collect 50 items during a one-time visit. “Hands That Teach” educational classes are available in a variety of subjects. A kitchen is located on the second floor of the pantry for cooking classes and volunteers are being sought to conduct cooking “demos”. Spiritual help is also available upon request.
The third Thursday of each month from 2:00-4:00 p.m. USDA government commodities from Toledo Seagate Food Bank including cereal, juice, grain, meat, canned veggies & fruit, cheese and peanut butter are available for pick up at the pantry for seniors. Eligibility guidelines specify monthly income for an individual less than $1276, or $1726 for household of two. Volunteers are needed to help on Wednesdays to bag up around 120 sacks “assembly line” style. At each month-end reports must be submitted to the Toledo food bank.
In connection with United Way, Helping Hands volunteers will help bag approximately 80,000 meals on April 22 at the Gillette Building at the Williams County fairgrounds in Montpelier and more volunteers are needed. About $18,000 in funds will be needed by United Way to accomplish this event.
More information about Helping Hands Food Pantry is available by calling 419-485-5575 or email
Following the speaker, roll call was answered for “How have you given special help in your life?”. Members participated in a bakeless bake sale by submitting a favorite recipe with a donation. Valentine cards were collected for distribution to hospital patients. Dorothy Briner was in charge of February patient favors. Reports were given by the secretary, treasurer and various committee chairmen. President Armeda thanked all the volunteers including hostesses for the day, Deloris Dennis and Jan Follett.
The next regular auxiliary meeting will be Monday, March 13 at 12 noon with a soup and salad luncheon in the hospital conference room.
Members are asked to bring a salad or dessert. Guest speaker will be Bonnie Kimpling-Kelly, director of P.A.T.H. Academy for Autism.
Decorating committee includes Armeda Sawmiller, Carol Eriksen and Joyce Schelling.