By: India Kenner
The Holiday City Village Council met on July 18th at 7 pm. Present at this meeting were Mayor Pamela Clark, Fiscal Officer Lauri TenEyck-Rupp, Administrator Blair Campbell, Council members Cooper Clark, Shawn Clark, Jodie Faunce, Chelsea Funk, Jarrett Funk, and absent was Beau Zuver.
Legal counsel Ameena Alauddin joined via Zoom and Lieutenant Hern from the Montpelier Police Department and a few members from the community were also in attendance.
Mayor Pamela Clark started the meeting with roll call and the Pledge of Allegiance. Next, approval of the minutes from the June 20, 2024 meeting. All council members approved the minutes.
Mayor Clark went on to explain Ordinance 2024-4. This ordinance establishes a Planning Commission for the Village of Holiday City. The Planning Commission would explore different zoning ordinances and other village plans.
This ordinance is declared as an emergency measure necessary for the immediate preservation of public peace, health, safety, and well-being. Mayor Clark explained that this ordinance is putting together all the rules so the council may establish a planning committee. Jarrett Funk made the motion to approve seconded by Jodi Faunce.
Chelsea Funk made the motion to adopt the ordinance seconded by Cooper Clark. The third reading of R-2024-4 Tax Levies (1.6 million). This resolution will authorize necessary tax rates and levies. Cooper Clark made the motion to adopt the resolution seconded by Chelsea Funk.
Fiscal Officer Lauri TenEyck-Rupp gave her report while the bills were passed around to each council member to examine. TenEyck-Rupp mentioned two training conferences that she might be able to attend in October.
One is for the local government conference through the Auditor’s office and the other is for The Ohio Association of Public Treasurers.
The motion to pay the bills was made by Jarrett Funk and seconded by Chelsea Funk. TenEyck-Rupp reminded the council members to check their emails for required fraud training.
Mayor Clark said she didn’t have anything new to report other than she has been attending meetings concerning grant applications.
Village Administrator Blair Campbell mentioned that the Holiday City Visitors Bureau is in the early stages of planning a Christmas event. More information will be available at a later date. Campbell also said that bids are being put together for water tower repairs.
Lieutenant Hern from the Montpelier Police Department addressed the council with safety reports. Hern said the department is close to being fully staffed but they would still like to add two more officers. Hern also mentioned that the Fire Department needs a new ladder truck which should be on a levy this year.
Shawn Clark reported for the Holiday City Subdivision Committee. The committee last met on June 25, 2024, at 5:45 pm. Legal counsel Cara Wall explained to the council that to establish zoning a planning commission would need to be organized.
This commission should consist of the mayor, one council member, two citizens, and one public member the mayor will appoint.
The Planning Commission would make zoning recommendations to the council once the council approves the recommendations then there is a thirty-day inspection of the zoning maps and a public hearing. The task of the Planning Commission is to figure out zones.

Mayor Clark asked if there were any questions or comments about the Planning Commission. No further questions unfinished/finished business or public remarks.
The council meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm. The next Holiday City Village Council meeting will be held on August 15th at 7:00 pm.