Dear editor:
What kind of country have we become? One of the few politicians in recent years that is basically scandal free and have a long legacy of public service is losing everything.
Once deemed Americas Mayor for his criminal justice performance fighting against NYC mobs and street criminals, his name is now tarnished.
His pay back for leading the city through the deep tragedy of 9/11, is losing his homes, his law license, his TV, jewelry and even watches that were given to him from European leaders after 9/11. All confiscated from him. Not only that, he must also pay $155 Million dollars in “damages”.
Did he stab someone? Did he shoot someone? Did he rape someone? Possibly full on hit and run vehicular homicide? No. In all those crimes, perpetrators face rightful jail time but usually get to keep their homes and belongings.
No, Americas Mayor did something more heinous than murder, more gut wrenching than even rape. He asked questions about the 2020 Presidential election vote tabulation.
The US election, the very event on which all our claims to being a free and fair society hinges. Something integral to our national pride, a jewel that SHOULD be questioned if possibly blemished.
In fact, this event is so precious it is often questioned throughout our history by both participating parties.
Mayor Giuliani questioned two Fulton County Georgia tabulation workers who on camera appeared to repeatedly pull the same crate of mail-in ballots and feed them into tabulating equipment. I repeat…ON CAMERA!
This was all done after poll watchers were sent home due to a water line break at the location. The water line break later on was identified as a leaky toilet.
Questioning this event has enabled lawyers to take everything from the Mayor. His legacy, his honor, his home and treasure. We have lost our country and what it once was, I am truely ashamed at what we have become.
My hope is Trump will somehow beat whatever form events like this will manifest in the 2024 election.
Trump better not try and work with these tyrants like he did his first term. In the name of justice, not revenge, Trump must force investigations into all our enemies domestic.
He must then through legal means and the laws already on the books remove these people from power and rightfully into prison.
Its time for Americans to stop being naive. Many of the people currently in power do not serve us, and do not care about us or the rule of law.
While we have the constitution and laws in place to peacefully change this, we must do so. Write our leaders to demand it!
The alternative that history shows for failing to do so is not a future I want my children and grandchildren to live through. Don’t do it for yourself, do it for your progeny.
Aaron Barker
West Unity, Ohio