LYONS COUNCIL Mayor Nelson Barnhiser goes over items on his report including the availability of training modules for council members
By: Jacob Kessler
The Lyons Village Council held their meeting on Monday, April 1st. The meeting began at 7:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by approval of the prior meeting minutes. With no financial report being available, the conversation shifted to that of the new Dollar General coming to town.
The store chain is expected to close on the old grain elevator property on April 10th. Construction efforts and demolition of the existing structure are expected to begin shortly thereafter.
Next, a meeting that took place on March 6th about the village asset management plan was discussed. It was stated that everything went well and that a nomination was received that would allow the village to apply for a low-interest loan if needed.
The water tower was next on the list of discussions, with it being stated no real additional information was available.
However, a meeting with CT Consultants did result in the recommendation of obtaining financing in the amount of $500,000 for the project. However, council discussed current money stores and additional monies coming into the village, with it being stated financing may not be needed.
Discussions regarding zoning were made, with one variance being approved due to a discrepancy in the footage.
Different insurance options were then discussed with council deciding to stay with their current provider. This decision received a motion which was approved by council.
Bulk pickup will be held at the Lyons-Royalton Fire Station for Royalton Township residents, with it being stated Village of Lyons residents are welcome to participate.
Mayor Barnhiser then addressed council and recommended members take training modules. These modules cover different subjects including the Sunshine Law for meetings and procedures.
The sheriff’s report was then given with a total of 53.25 hours being spent on patrol in the village. With no other items to discuss, the meeting was adjourned. The next meeting will take place on May 6th at 7:00 p.m.