GOURD ARTWORK Marilyn Royal was guest speaker at the October Three Arts Club meeting She is shown here with two of the many gourds that she displayed
For their October meeting, the Three Arts Club met at the home of Laura Rohlf. The guest speaker was Marilyn Royal. She talked about her love of decorating gourds.
Years ago, she watched a craft show on TV and saw the decorated gourds. Right then she decided that’s what she wanted to do. She started out taking classes and accumulating the many tools that she uses.
Gourds take a year to dry before they can be painted and decorated. She wood burns them and has made bird feeders, and bird houses. She has also made musical instruments, masks, and fairy gardens.
There are so many things that can be done with the gourds. Marilyn recently attended the Ohio Gourd Society Convention in Columbus where she received two 1st place awards for her gourds.
She brought many of her decorated gourds to share with the club. Some were very large, and some were very small. They all showed off her talent of beautiful artwork.
The meeting was then called to order by president, Becky Bacon. Nineteen members answered the roll call, “What do you like to decorate with?” The secretary and treasurer’s reports were approved as read.
It was brought to our attention that items at the food pantry at the Methodist Church were extremely low. After some discussion, Kim Grime made a motion that the club donate a case of canned meat to be purchased at Jacoby’s. Terri Westfall seconded it, and the vote passed. Mel Mercer volunteered to pick up the canned meat.
The November meeting will be held at the West Unity United Methodist Church. Members will bring items for the food pantry. The speaker will be Ingrid Hoffman, who was the club’s delegate to Buckeye Girls State held last June. She will talk about her experience.
The meeting was then adjourned, and delicious refreshments were served by co-hostesses, Joan Rohlf and Terri Westfall.