Lee Rausch of Poggemeyer Design Group has presented two estimates for Fulton Street and a CDBG application. There is currently $300,000 available for grants every two years to be put toward three or four projects.
One estimate is for rehabilitation at $41,335 with engineering costs of $6,300 totaling $47,635. The second estimate is for reconstruction at $117,307 with engineering cost of $14,700 totaling $132,007.
The Land and Buildings committee has reviewed the estimates and with some adjustments the total for reconstruction is about $100,000 with engineering costs of approximately $12,700. The village has budgeted for $12,500 in 2017 for Fulton Street.
The committee is recommending the village complete the CDBG application for the reconstruction of Fulton Street.
Council President Karon Lane said there are parts of the street she doubts can be widened. Lee Rausch, of Poggemeyer Design Group, said it would be addressed with a survey of the street. The curbing of the street on the estimate will be removed and Chip Vance will do the catch basins.
Rich Sauerlender motioned to approve Poggemeyer completing the CDBG application for a grant of reconstruction of Fulton Street. Second of motion was made by John Pupos and the motion was approved by all council present.
Bob Oliver and Dennis Stallbaum of Aflac gave a short presentation on the supplemental insurance plans available. If interested, village employees could purchase a policy and there would be no cost to the village. Aflac offers short-term disability, life insurance, dental, cancer insurance, accident insurance, critical care, hospital, etc. The average cost of a plan runs $6 to $10 a week. The premiums never go up. The employee owns the policy and it is portable. If the employee leaves the village they can keep the policy at the same rate. If the village were to offer Aflac to employees, the employee would save 42 percent with additional plans available. Aflac is designed to give people money to live on when they cannot work. There is no lifetime cap and no deductible.
If at least three employees are interested and sign up for Aflac, the discount applies.
Aflac representatives will return for a more in depth presentation if three or more employees are interested.
Resident Jared Vance spoke to council on the sewer project at his residence where the pool liner was punctured. The pool was taken down in order to repair the sewer line. It is his understanding council wants to either put the pool back up or pay the owner for the damage.
Vance expressed concern the village was not keeping its word when the incident occurred. He noted the mayor said the village would put the pool back up. The pool is a part of the property. There isn’t a land contract filed with the county.
Lane said the village’s dealings are with the owner of the property. The village solicitor is contacting the owner to determine how the owner would like to resolve the issue. Vance said the circumstances were a result of village negligence: negligence when the sewer was put in and when the pool permit was issued, which placed the pool over the sewer.
Mayor Ken Wysong said the village needs to follow the landowner’s wishes. Vance said he should have been contacted and kept up to date on the proceedings. A resolution will be worked on and Vance will be contacted.
Nick Shrader of the Evergreen Youth Association (EYA) expressed his appreciation and the EYA appreciation for the support the Village of Metamora give the EYA every year. Nick requested the use of the park baseball fields in 2017.
The EYA schedule is not yet complete, but the softball league starts Friday, March 31 and will run through May 14. There will be one game on Fridays and doubleheaders on Sundays. The EYA regular season will start the week of May 15 and run through the July 4 weekend.

The EYA is asking for permission to use the fields and ask if the village could have the fields prepared for Friday games as well as permission to use the village Gator to prep the fields for Sunday games.
Shrader and the EYA want to know where and how the EYA as an association can provide value back to the village.
Lane said the village would like to see EYA pay for the prep of the baseball fields. The village has a young man, Colton Pawlaczyk, who is going to prep the fields for $10 each. Shrader agreed and the EYA will pay Pawlaczyk directly.
The village would also like the EYA to take down the batting cage net in the fall and put it back up in the spring. Shrader agreed for the EYA to handle the net and the pitching shield needs to be taken down and/or repaired.
Brian Hansel of the EYA will be handling the park concession stand. Shrader will forward Hansel’s contact information to the village office.
The village has a spring cleanup of the park before the Easter Egg Hunt which is scheduled for April 8. Any help with park cleanup from the EYA would be appreciated. John Pupos motioned to allow the EYA to use the ball fields in 2017 at no charge on the condition that the EYA pay Colton Pawlaczyk $10 per field prepped and assist with park cleanup before the Easter Egg Hunt. Second of motion was made by Karon Lane and approved by all council present. Shrader said the EYA would purchase the lime for the ball fields.

The EYA has incorporated a sportsmanship code of conduct for student athletes and parents; it is a zero tolerance policy as to communicating with umpires and players. The code gives the umpires the ability to remove players, parents and spectators that are not following new rules. There have been having issues with spectators sitting behind home plate calling balls and strikes, so to speak.
The EYA is also willing to purchase and install an 8 foot long by 6 foot tall mesh screening that would be placed just behind home plate to deter spectators from being directly behind home plate. You can see through the screen but the visibility isn’t as good. The EYA is asking for permission to install and remove this screening at the end of the year. The EYA would put the net up in the spring and remove it in the fall.
Rich Sauerlender suggested the EYA may want to put it up and take it down on a regular basis to avoid the potential for vandalism.
Karon Lane stated that years ago the EYA youth sold raffle tickets for the Paro-O-Rama and it was very helpful. Karon is requesting the EYA assist with selling tickets again. Shrader agreed.
It was also noted that there is a need to get a Port-A-Potty rented until the water is turned on in the park for bathroom use.
Lands and Buildings Report – John Pupos reporting.
• CDBG Grant – The village did qualify for LMI and as discussed earlier in the meeting, Poggemeyer will prepare the application for a grant for approximately $100,000 for the reconstruction of Fulton Street. The deadline for the application is April 5th.

• I&I – Smoker. Chip would like the village to purchase a smoker which would help to find out who is hooked into the sewer and who isn’t.
The cost of the machine is about $1000. The committee requested Chip find out if a smoker could be rented and to also find out the specs of a smoker to see if the village could build a smoker themselves.
• Playground Equipment Repair – On hold until the zoning office painting is completed.
• Park Committee Meeting – Rich Sauerlender, chairman. A meeting is not yet planned.
• Curbside Rubbish Pickup Post Card – The postcard wording was reviewed. The committee agreed to recommend the current reading with a couple of changes. Angie indicated the printing of the postcards was time consuming and that the village’s printers often produced a lower quality than desired. She requested authorization to order through Vistaprint at a cost of around $50. Council agreed to have the postcards printed. Ken recommended checking the price from OfficeMax also.
• Marianne Gleckler would like permission to plant a memory tree in the park. John Pupos said he would call Marianne Gleckler to get some answers regarding where, what kind, and when.

• Water Plant Generator – The Village of Fayette is interested in purchasing the generator at the Water Plant. Their employee will contact Chip to come see the generator. Fayette may then make an offer. The committee believes it is worth about $4,000.
• Shelter Ceiling Quote – The estimated costs of the steel and wood for a ceiling in Shelter House B is $3,000 for the material. Looking at the funding available for it and permission from council to proceed with the ceiling. Ken expressed he would like to have the ceiling completed before ball games start. John Hudik indicated the electrical in the ceiling would have to be addressed during the project. John expressed if the electrical is contracted it could cost around $1500. Rich Sauerlender motioned to approve the concept of doing the ceiling and find out the cost of doing the electrical work. Second of motion by John Pupos and approved by all council present. Chip asked if canned lights would be acceptable for the shelter. This was approved by council.
• Chip reported that the Solar Bee quit working in the middle cell. The Village has a maintenance agreement with Solar Bee. Chip has contacted them and they will be out in the spring or summer to perform maintenance.
• Sewer replacement for the portion of Ash Street in the flood plain – The cost is $3,200 plus time and any tie-ins. Wysong suggested the village move forward with the replacement. Rich Sauerlender said the committee would like to do one or two infiltration projects a year.
John Pupos motioned to replace the sewer in the flood plain on Ash Street at a cost of approximately $3,200 in material, not to exceed $4,000.
• Lane inquired if the funds were allocated. The mayor said the village could move the funds into the sewer fund if needed. Second of motion was made by Rich Sauerlender and approved by all council present.
• Zoning Office – Chip is in the process of prepping the office for painting. The project should be completed in about another week.
• The village would like to purchase 200 Redear Sun Fish at $1 each and eight Amurs at $13 each from Fulton County Soil & Water for our reservoir. John Pupos motioned to purchase the said fish. Second of motion was made by Suzie Stough and approved by all council present.
New Business
• Council reviewed the village insurance Policy for April 1 through March 31from Stapleton Insurance. The cost is $7,938 which is $635 less than last year. The decrease is because the village no longer needs to insure the water plant.
• Personnel and Finance will review the policy in detail at its meeting March 28.
• Sauerlender motioned to pay the insurance policy premium of $7938. Adjustment can still be made after payment. Second of motion was by John Pupos and approved by all council present.
• The village has liability coverage for a Fishing Derby if it were to sponsor a derby.
• The village zoning inspector met with a resident about concerns of the village operations. Notes from the meeting were sent to council members. The resident was directed to come to a council meeting to express the concerns.
• Lane said she felt the zoning inspector handled the meeting very well. Pupos requested a copy of the notes be sent to the village solicitor.
• ODOT has open house meetings on March 28 and April 6 to go over the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program.
• We have a letter from the Department of Commerce stating it is Liquor License renewal time and asking if there are objections to the renewals. Council has no objections to the renewal of the existing licenses.
• Wysong should be the contact name listed on the CDBG/Fulton Street Application.
Mayor’s Report
• The Fulton County Sheriffs put out a warning about break-ins and car thefts in the area. Follow basic safety precautions: Don’t leave keys in the car, lock the car.
• The mayor suggested council consider security cameras on the poles at the corner for traffic going in and out of town.
• Pupos volunteered to check for grants for security cameras.
• Sewer Issue – Some residents are still putting prohibited items into the sewer system. The village sent out Do’s & Don’ts with a Do Not Flush list in the newsletter in 2015. A request was made that council pass an ordinance with a penalty to the landowner of the offending property. Ken thinks the village already has an ordinance. The village needs to check to see if there is an existing ordinance or zoning on this issue. If there isn’t, council will pass a new measure to address it going forward.
James Pruitt may be reached at publisher@thevillagereporter.com