By: Jacob Kessler
The Metamora Village Council held their meeting on Monday, February 5th. The meeting began at 7:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes were then approved from the January 16th council meeting before council heard a report delivered by the mayor, which included the December Sheriff’s report.
It was stated that there is a CDBG grant that the village may be able to apply for. Project applications are due by March 22nd, with a full application being due to the state by June.
Possible projects the money could be used for are the Maple Street parking lot, sewer lateral repair/ replacement or putting a road through the park to get to Garnsey Avenue, and an eventual bridge replacement on Garnsey within a few years.
A motion was then put forward to hire DGL Engineers in the amount of $5,600.00 for structural engineering to the village office building.
Current issues include the basement, front door, sidewalk, and others. This motion was approved by council before moving to approve a proclamation. This proclamation was to declare the month of February as Career and Technical Education Month for Four County Career Center.
The fiscal officer’s report was next. It was stated that contact has been made with the county regarding the cleanup of Ten-Mile Creek.
It was also stated that this request has been made for several years and that the maintenance request is still on their books, but there is a concern regarding the use of large equipment around residential areas.
Committee reports were then heard before moving on to old business. A quote was recently received by UEMSI/HTV in the amount of $8,750.42 for sewer camera repairs.
A quote was also received in the amount of $8,340.00 for a new camera. More quotes will be obtained before the next meeting. Liability concerns were also addressed with Solicitor Bob Bohmer regarding the pedestrian bridge on Garnsey Avenue that needs to be replaced.
It was stated that there is no law requiring there to be a pedestrian bridge. A concern was brought up regarding the replacement of the bridge costing around $30,000.00 or more, when it will have to be torn back out in a few years when Garnsey is replaced.
The matter will be discussed more at the next meeting. It was then stated that the Gleaners are donating $700.00 for the purchase of 1,000 viewing glasses for the solar eclipse.
A motion was put forward to also buy an additional 1,000 glasses from the village. These will be passed out at the elementary school and distributed to local businesses around town for people to pick up.
Under new business, a motion was put forward to renew the Boy Scout lease for the building on the corner of Mill Street and Meadow Lane for $1.00 at a term of five years.
Also, the park levy will be expiring at the end of next year and will need to be put on the ballot for this year. Discussion took place regarding whether or not it should be renewed or replaced.
A renewal would bring in $6,004.00 and a replacement would bring in $7,871.00. It was moved by council to have the solicitor draft a resolution to replace the .5 mil park levy.
A zoning report was then given and approved before the reading and approval of the bills. Council then moved to adjourn at 8:47 p.m.