The Metamora Village Council held a meeting on Monday, March 6th. The meeting began at 7:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance before council moved to approve minutes from the February 22nd meeting.
Village Solicitor Kevin Whitlock then gave a report and let council know that he has review all the documents for the sale of property to ODOT for the bridge replacement, and that everything looks good.
Approval of the bills took place next before moving on to old business. Maintenance workers said there are about 30 arborvitae trees that are dead in the park.
Bag worms are a problem with some of the trees, causing them to die. They will look into treating/spraying the trees to stop the problem.
John Pupos motioned to purchase 2 new bundles of arborvitae trees with 25 in each, costing $50.00 per bundle, total number of trees being purchased would be 50.
This motion was approved by council before moving on to discuss an estimate.
The estimate is from Joe Eisel to replace a sewer line from the clean out to the road at 220 West Main Street.
Council moved to approve Eisel for the cleaning before stating that the Falling into Fun event is currently scheduled for Saturday, October 14th.
Lastly in new business was a discussion regarding the purchase of fish for the reservoirs. There is currently a sale taking place through May 19th.
Contact will be made to a pond consultant to get an estimate for them to come and give recommendations.
Under new business, it was stated that there have been complaints regarding the park entrance sign on West Main.
People coming in for events are not seeing it well. It was stated that quotes will be obtained for a new one.
The Chamber of Commerce would like to sign the park lease for their Party in the Park event.
They also asked if they could get into the park earlier in the week for set up. Council said the lease for the park is $200.00 a day.
The Chamber will need to make sure the dates they want do not interfere with EYA’s schedule.

Topics then switched over to a leak in the office building and an inquiry about a fence.
The roof was leaking in the back room of the office building which led to needing Adam Vance come in to do repairs.
A resident who lives on Wildflower called in to discuss a fence that is falling down as you drive into the subdivision.
The caller was wondering who was responsible for it. It was stated that the village did not put it up and a suggestion was given to see if there is a contract with Simon’s who is the developer of the subdivision and is responsible for upkeep.
It was also stated that, if it is the village’s responsibility, it will be torn down.
Moving on to the fiscal officer’s report, ODOT has reached out to the village regarding construction on West Main Street. They would like to be informed about the plans/changes for the property.

Merrell Bros. will be here in the middle of March to perform a sludge survey on the lagoons which will determine when they need to be dredged.
The FCEDC annual meeting and awards banquet is Thursday, April 20th at Founders Hall and is set to take place at 5:00 p.m.
Lastly, research will be done regarding the blueprints for the sewer separation done in 2005.
With no other business to attend to, council moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:36 p.m.