NEW SUPERINTENDENT Travis Lichty was approved to be hired as the districts new superintendent and his term is to begin August of 2024
By: Anna Wozniak
The Montpelier Board of Education met on March 12, 2024 at 5:30 p.m., congratulating the students of the month after the pledge, a moment of silence, roll call, and the approval of the agenda for the night.
Present were Dunne Gambler, Nate Rose, Jennifer Schlosser, Patti Rockey, and Troy Roth alongside Superintendent Jamison Grime and Treasurer Carla Rice.
Then, as the students went out to get their photo taken, the board began sharing their legislative report, where they shared that SB217 might soon see free-market capitalism content worked into high school financial literacy classes, with controversy surrounding the curriculum.
Athletic Director Joe Brigle then began detailing the new process through which the school is selling online tickets for events, relating that HB33 made it a requirement for the schools to accept cash payment.
Superintendent Grime shared that there is now a responsibility on the district to provide funding for student mental health services, detailing that this will be an additional cost charged to the same fund supporting the school nurse, school-wide drivers education, aid for the disadvantaged, structural technology (student Chromebook), PBIS, and teacher aides.
Mrs. Rockey asked why there were significant discrepancies between the numbers in fiscal 23 and actual 24, and it was explained that many of the funds budgeted through 2023 ran out, with remaining balances then budgeted to be paid off throughout the remainder of fiscal 2024.
Mr. Rose then announced that the new superintendent, Travis Lichty, will be voted in tonight. Principal Lance Thorp shared that there has been a lot of academic achievement made since the last meeting, and that the school nurse has met with the staff to go over the medical response team and their responsibilities.
Last Friday saw the end of the third quarter, Mornings with Mom, and a 4th and 5th grade math competition.
The elementary school is amid spirit weeks, getting the kids excited about learning and keeping them engaged before spring break next week.
March 29th will see no school due to First Friday, April 5th will see mini manufacturing day at Northwest State, and the mobile dentist will be coming back soon. April 8th will see an early release at 1 p.m., and the next month will be used to gear the students up for state testing.
Principal Suann Thorp congratulated the students on their production of “Madagascar the Musical”, and one of the founding women’s wrestling team members made it to state.
A competition at Northwood saw both the boys and girls coming home with trophies, and last month saw the E3 program supporting financial literacy last month and another blood drive will be coming up.
Spring athletes were wished the best of luck, and students are earning points for surrendering their phones for class periods, with student handbook revisions planned in the near future to help remedy some serious issues being faced by the current 6-8th grades in the junior high wing.
Principal Thorp reminded everyone of the 1 p.m. early release on April 8th, and urged parents to prepare their students for testing that will begin on April 22nd.

Prom will be held on April 27th this year, and a Screenagers speaker will be in for Parent’s Night Out to help align the community with the many aspects of the current cell phone issue. It will be free to attend on April 2nd, 2024 from 6 to 7 p.m.
Ms. Gambler then congratulated those in archery who made it to nationals before the treasurer’s February report was accepted, as were the minutes from their three February meetings as presented.
The treasurer’s recommendations were approved as presented, which included donations from the Montpelier Police Reserve, Trufast, Reifel Industries, and the Bryan Area Foundation, with the businesses being thanked for their support of the Skilled Trades Scholarship Fund.
Employment recommendations were then approved as presented, which included supplemental contracts and the hire of new Superintendent Travis Lichty for a three-year term beginning August 1st of 2024.
Service agreements were approved for special education services and the purchase of a new bus, which will be here in September.
Superintendent Grime was then named as the delegated representative to the Tax Incentive Review Council, with Treasurer Rice serving as the alternate representative.

With nothing further to address, the Montpelier Board of Education voted to enter executive session at 6:23, with plans to hold two separate sessions so that they could meet with the MEA as well. They will meet again on April 9, 2024.