By: Rebecca Miller
A half hour meeting was held by the Montpelier School Board for their July 12, 2022 meeting. Nate Rose and Shawn Owen were appointed to be delate and alternate for the annual OSBA Capital Conference in November.
With no public participation, legislative report or principals’ reports given, the board heard and approved the Treasurer’s report from Carla Rice.
She reported that they came out in the positive at the end of the year. Also, the investment report was “really good as the interest rates are going up.”
The board approved the minutes from the June 28, 2022 meeting and the financial reports for the month. Also approved were:
-Certificated staff – Loren Velez as a 2nd grade teacher, and supplemental contract for Bailey Graber as JH Volleyball Coach
-Classified staff employment:
-Reassigning of Matthew Meyer from paraprofessional to a district substitute
-Employ Diann Sanders as a 6 hour aide
-Employ Gloria Reader as a cafeteria aide at 2 hours per day, (to replace Troy Roth who resigned)
-Employ Kaitlyn Tingle as a 5-hour aide
-Employ Pamela Cruz as an interpreter, 5 days per week, 7 hours per day, contingent upon the one on one student attending this school
-Correct Samuel Brubaker’s volleyball supplemental from JH volleyball to Assistant Volleyball Coach
The Board also voted in favor of the recommendation to approve the Athletic Trainer Agreement with Parkview Health System, Inc. and Midwest Community Health Associates, Inc. to provide Athletic Trainer services for the 22-23 school year at a cost of $20,000 to the Board of Education, plus a donation to the school of $20,000 from Midwest Community Health Associates, Inc. to be paid to Parkview in addition to the Board share.
Superintendent Jamie Grime reminded the Board that at the next meeting, they will need to appoint a Park Board member. With no other business, the meeting adjourned.
Rebecca can be reached at