The village of Montpelier’s Olde Tyme Holiday Gathering will soon be here, and the town is finalizing plans and preparing for the event. Members of the Montpelier Chamber of Commerce passed around fliers and heard from those involved the planning during their November 9, 2012, meeting.
Kurt Roan, Supervisor of Administrative Services, said that Christmas lights have been put up for the Holiday Gathering, which will be held Saturday, November 17. On that day, downtown shops will be open. The Art Space will have extended hours.
At 6:00 p.m., the Olde Tyme Holiday Parade through the downtown area will begin, and afterward, children will be able to meet with Santa. A craft and gifts show, which featured many area crafters last year, will again be held at the Montpelier School in the auditera and gym from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Attendees should enter through the north door of the school building.
The fairgrounds will be the location for the Stateline Gun Show on Saturday from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. and on Sunday from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
In other business, the board heard from Susie Osburn about the Williams County Manufacturing Expo to be held February 27 at the Ramada Inn. This will be open to businesses in the tri-state area, with the intent of working on how to make it easier to run a small business and encouraging people and businesses to buy locally. Osburn explained that businesses need to be pro-active in promoting the village. She said that we need to promote our schools, and to show others coming to the area what we have available. With the expansion of Menards, new people may be moving to this area and will want to know about where to shop, our schools, and where to go for fun. More information will be posted on the Chamber of Commerce website at and on their Facebook page. There will be no cost to attend. For those businesses who wish to be a part of the expo, they may call WEDCO at 419-636-8727.
Reverend David Tilly gave the report for the ministerial association. He appreciated the help at Halloween, and said that there were 200 children who came to the Trunk-or-Treat at the Presbyterian Church. Two area pastors will be retiring: Pastor Don Harris of House of Prayer, who will be succeeded by his son Ben Harris; and Pastor Mike Kelley of Grace Community Church and The Sanctuary. Rev, Tilly said that there were a substantial amount of people seeking help with food and gas vouchers, and said that many of them were among the working poor. They have had to restrict help to Montpelier residents only because of the high demand for help and depletion of supplies.
Montpelier School Superintendent Jamie Grime said that they have received an increase in tax payments from last year, due to an increased number of taxes being paid, possibly due to economic improvement and less unemployment. In the last month, the school has been in the process of purchasing a golf simulator, paid for by $20,000 in gifts donated in memory of golf coach Jason Saneholtz, and the rest by private donations that enabled the project of $35,000 to be paid in full. A small area of the school is also being renovated to house the simulator with Owens Electrical donating labor and materials. Grime said that he was moved by the support and donations and that “there is no place I’d rather be than here.”
The project will be unveiled and dedicated on Friday, November 23 before and during half-time at the girl’s varsity basketball game. The dedication will be held before the game starts at 6:00 p.m., and the unveiling of the new facility will be unveiled at half-time.
In other school news, the junior class will be selling poinsettias to earn funds for prom. Two sizes of pots are available and will sell for $10 for 6” pots, and $20 for 12” pots.
In old business, Halloween activities were very successful, despite being delayed a few days due to weather. Farmers & Merchants Bank and Maxton Motors provided snacks and drinks for the downtown event. Dee Shoup reported that Evergreen Manor, which held their Trick-or-Treat event on the original date, was swamped with costumed children, much to the delight of residents who handed out treats.
There will be three seats up for election on the Chamber’s board. Second vice-president Dee Shoup has decided not to run for re-election. Nominations have already been made, and the following persons are running the seats: Kellie Gray, Shelley Davis, Chris Lee, and Candice Potts-Salaz.
In new business, the Chamber has received an e-mail from CIW Wresting saying that they would like to work on a fundraiser with the Chamber. This is the same group that presented a show during the village’s Bean Days festival this summer. They had been very well received.
Chamber Board candidate Shelley Davis discussed Menard’s expansion at Holiday City and said that they had a fairly young group running the factory and were good at promoting in-house. She said that this was promising for the area and that many people were expected to come to this area from a plant in Wisconsin. She said that she wants to see the community promoted for those coming to the area.
Rev. Tilly said that he was part of a group of volunteers who helped the Tree Commission plant trees last week and that the group was able to plant 34 in areas around the town. Some were planted in Main Street Park, and he said that within a few years, they will make a very nice display. The library will get new trees next year. He said that the Tree Commission meets the first Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m.
Board Member Chris Lee informed the board that Art Space has extended hours during the Holiday Gathering, and that they will now be open on Mondays in addition to their current regular hours. She also mentioned that those who purchase a $20 annual membership will receive a discount on purchases.
Prior to adjournment of the meeting, members and guests of the Chamber applauded retiring member Dee Shoup for her years of service on the board. The next meeting will be held Friday, December 14 at 8:00 a.m. at the Chamber office.