THIRD GRADE HONOR ROLL Front Row left to right Roger Perrin Reid Emma Custer Nora Brancheau Nicole Head Margaret Rosendaul Braelyn Harter Alexandria Esterline Back Row left to right Colton Bishop DhaMii Foster Samuel Owen Annaleise Sickel Alexx Belcher Lennan Shoup Kalvin Whitman Alee Klender

The Montpelier Elementary School recently had their first quarter Loco Leader assembly for Grades 3-6 on November 3, 2023. During this assembly, they recognized students who have had perfect attendance, honor roll (All 3 with a 90% or higher) and 2 “Loco Leader” awards from each grade level. The Loco Leader awards are given by the teachers and given to students that they feel are Responsible, Respectful and Safe.