The members of the Montpelier School Board were pleased to announce that the Montpelier Schools were the recipients of a $9000 grant to attend the Ohio Instructional Leadership Academy (OILA). In their press release, the school wrote:
“Montpelier Schools has been awarded a $9,000 grant to attend the Ohio Instructional Leadership Academy sponsored through a partnership with the Buckeye Association of School Administrators (BASA), the Ohio Association of Elementary School Administrators (OESSA), the Ohio Association of Secondary School Administrators (OASSA), the Ohio Education Association (OEA), the Ohio Federation of Teachers (OFT), and the Ohio Department of Education (ODE). Su Thorp, 7-12 principal of Montpelier Schools, along with teacher Matt Kaullen, will be attending the academy.
Made possible through generous funds from Ohio’s Race to the Top grant, OIL will allow 150 Ohio building administrators and teacher leaders to receive leadership education while creating a collaborative culture within their school. The academy will provide the skills and knowledge a successful instructional leader needs to ensure the academic achievement of each student.
OILA is designed for motivated building-level teams made up of on administrator and one or two teacher leaders. This is to encourage building-level collaboration on project-based course assignments that will improve not only the participants, but the entire school community. Because of this, the ideal participants will have experience in instructional improvement initiatives and aspire to take academic standards to the next level.”
Grades K-6 Principal Connie Graham said that during the students’ time off for the fair, the teachers were hearing results of the K-6 grade OAA tests. These tests determine Student Learning Objectives. The staff also looked at the new school district Report Cards.
Principal Su Thorp, grades 7-12, said that the school year had got off to a good start. During the schools discretionary day for students, the teachers listened to a speaker from the Ohio Department of Education, learned about the new objectives that are tied to evaluations, practiced writing Student Learning Objectives, and participated in the Wellness Committee’s 5K walk/run. Thorp added that she would be attending the Ohio Instructional Leadership Academy (OILA) where she and a colleague would attend three different sessions to learn how to be better leaders.
The board approved the Treasurer’s Report given by Abby Sharp. In addition to presenting the financial statements and investments for August 2013, she told the board that the district had received donations from the following:
• St. Paul’s United Methodist Women – $100.00 to the Nurse’s Discretionary Fund.
• St. Paul’s United Methodist Women – $1,000.00 ($500 to the Nurse’s Discretionary Fund; $500 to Workbook Fees).
• St. Paul’s United Methodist Women – $329.57 to the Nurse’s Discretionary Fund.
• Montpelier Athletic Boosters – $6,600 ($500 to Football; $600 to Cheerleading; and $1,000 to Golf).
• Defiance County Agricultural Society – $156.00 to the Marching Band.
• Edgerton Chamber of Commerce – $100.00 to the Marching Band.
• Swanton Corn Festival – $400.00 to the Marching Band.
• Montpelier Chamber of Commerce – $50.00 to the Marching Band.
Money donated to the marching band was due to their participation in area parades.
Also approved as part of the Treasurer’s Report was to permit the CFO/Treasurer to request the County Budget Commission make changes to the Amended Certificate as presented. A recommendation to create the OILA-Ohio Instructional Leadership Academy Fund for $9,128.67, and to request the County Budget Commission make changes to the Amended Certificate and permanent appropriations was approved.
The following was approved under the Consent Agenda:
The board voted to approve the following for Certified Staff:
1. Approved a paternity leave for Jason Johnston starting November 11 and ending January 1, 2014.
2. Approved a horizontal movement for Joseph Brigle to Masters +12 for the 2013-2014 school year
3. Approved graduate hours for Kaitlin Brancheau, Anthony Coleman, and Bobbi Miller for the 2013-201 school year.
4. Approved graduate hours for Blayne Bible for the 2013-2014 school year.
5. Added Robert Wilson to the substitute teacher list for the 2013-2014 school year.
6. Added Jamie Anderson to the substitute teacher list for the 2013-2014 school year.
7. Approved the following supplemental contracts for the 2013-2014 school year:
Taylor Muehlfeld – Athletic Contest Manager
Taylor Muehlfeld – Fall Weight Room Coordinator
Rosemary Dockery – Co 5th Grade Musical
Katy Corkle – Co 5th Grade Musical
Charlene Johnson – Archery
Matthew Kaullen – Robotics
Michele Anderson – Kindergarten Screening – summer
Stacey Brown – Kindergarten Screening – summer
Employments of the following Classified Staff:
1. Approved Abby Sharp, CFO/Treasurer, for a 5 year contract beginning August 1, 2014, and ending July 31, 2019.
2. Accepted the letter of resignation of Debra Cook, paraprofessional, effective August 20, 2013.
3. Recommend to approve Debra Stefanelli as a paraprofessional at 7 hours per day beginning September 2, 2013.
4. Approved Seth Ries as a student worker in the cafeteria for the 2013-2014 school year.
5. Approved Dylan Gyurnek as a student worker in the cafeteria for the 2013-2014 school year.
6. Approved Gage Gigax as a custodial student worker for the 2013-2014 school year.
The board voted to approve the new and revised Montpelier Exempted Village School District Board of Education Policies:
• By-laws
• Evaluation of Principals and other Administrators
• Third Grade Reading Guarantee
• Weapons-Professional Staff
• Weapons-Classified Staff
• Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports of Limited Use of Restraint and Seclusion
• Weapons-Property

In other business, the board approved:
1. The Food Service Fund to be charged 2.16% for utilities during the 2013-2014 school year.
2. The license agreement with LRG Prep, LLC for the 2013-2014 school year.
3. A Memorandum of Understanding between the Montpelier Education Association and the Montpelier Exempted Village Board of Education that would add language regarding the high deductible health plan and health savings accounts that will expire December 31, 2014.
The board moved into executive session to discuss the appointment, employment, dismissal promotion, demotion or compensation of an employee or the investigation of charges against an employee official, licensee or student. This is a broad explanation, and at least one of these concerns will be discussed. No action was taken, and the meeting was adjourned following return to the open session.
Meetings of the Montpelier Board of Education are held the second Tuesday of each month at 5:00 p.m. in the music room.