Village Manager Pam Lucas prefaced the council’s regular meeting on Monday, September 9 by thanking village employees for their work getting things ready for the annual Williams County Fair. She also said that Scott Gordon and Ryan O’Neal were resigning as baseball commissioners. She said that they would “surely be missed.”
Following recommendations from engineer and consultant John Courtney who recently completed an intensive evaluation of the village’s water and sewer rates, the village council agreed to raise service rates in increments over the next few months. Upon studying the village’s books, it was found that funds have been decreasing over the last three years due to mandatory CSO sanitary sewer work in the town that was mandated by the state.
Before jumping into the discussion on water rates, council voted to pass Resolution 1057 a resolution to amend appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the Village of Montpelier, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2013. Additionally, council passed Resolution 1058, a resolution authorizing the village manager to purchase one 2014 Ford F-550 4-wheel drive cab and chassis. This resolution will allow the village manager to purchase the vehicle from Maxton Motors at a price of no more than $33,000, though a similar vehicle was found for less. This vehicle will be used by the street department. Council also passed Resolution 1059, a resolution allowing the village manager to purchase a dump body package and 9’ steel snow plow package, including a hydraulics system and installation. This will allow the village to purchase the accompanying add-ons so that the Ford F-550 can have a dump component and a snow plow. Council approved the following purchase from Kalida Truck Equipment, Inc.: a Galion Model #100USD Nine Foot Dump Body Package, a Western Model Steel Ultra Mount Pro Plus Snow Plow Package. Also included are a Centralized Hydraulics System and the installation of all on the 2014 Ford F-550 Cab and Chassis.
Resolution 1060, a resolution allowing the village manager to advertise for bid and contract for the Waste Water Treatment Plant’s Headwork’s screen project for the Village of Montpelier was passed. The treatment plant is in need of a screen that will take out plastics from waste sludge. The plant must screen all sludge due to the way that it is disposed of. This is required by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency.
Ordinances 2159 and 2160 were read in their first reading. These ordinances address the necessary raise in water and sewage service rates, and amend a code providing for “increases in service charges, special charges, and swimming pool and bulk water sales, and reduction in charges for leaks.” There are certain conditions that must be met in order to be eligible for a reduction in the cost of water due to leaks. There is no reduction in charges for sewer use. The rates will be raised in increments, and will go up on the following dates: January 1, 2014; July 1, 2014; January 1, 2015; AND July 1, 2015, for a total $4 raise for water rates, and $3 for sewer rates. For those wanting further information, changes will be posted in the town hall.
Council voted to allow Miller’s New Market to apply for renewal for the license with the Liquor Control Board. The police chief has no objection to this renewal.
Income tax collection for the month ending August 31, 2013 was 1,218,919.21. This compares with August month end for 1,242,745.35 in 2012 and 1,052,591.30 in 2011.
Council went into executive session to discuss sales of property, and no action was taken. The meeting was adjourned upon return to regular session. The next meeting of the Montpelier Village Council will be on September 24, 2013 at 7:30 p.m. at the police station meeting room.