The Montpelier School Board convened a quarter of an hour early to conduct their Organizational Meeting for 2014 and to swear in returning members Terry Buntain, Debra Clum, and Darrell Higbie, and newly elected school board member Christopher Wurm.
Larry Martin was nominated to continue as board President, and the board unanimously voted in agreement. Debra Clum wa elected Vice-President. Christopher Wurm was chosen as Legislative Liaison, and Darrell Higbie will serve as the Student Achievement Liaison.
The board authorized the CFO/Treasurer to:
a. Issue warrants in payment of all salaries and bills upon receipt of invoices.
b. Obtain advances from the county auditor.
c. Invest funds at her discretion (within board policy).
d. Advertise for vacant positions as needed.
e. Serve as designee to attend public record access training required for Board members of each term of office per Revised Code 109.43.
The next course of business for the Board was to authorize the Superintendent to:
a. Serve as purchase agent for 2014.
b. Determine the attendance of employees at professional meeting and authorize the treasurer to pay expenses as approved by the superintendent.
c. Employ personnel with regular employment to be presented at the next meeting.
d. Serve as designee to attend public record access training required for Board members of each term of office per Revised Code 109.43.
The following Legal Counsels for the District were approved:
a. Ennis Roberts Fischer Co., L.P.A.
b. Peck, Shaffer & Williams LLP
c. Bricker & Eckler LLP
At promptly 5:00 p.m., the Board called the regular meeting to order, and heard from the Principals.
Elementary School Principal Connie Graham said that students seemed happy to be back at school following a Christmas break that was extended an extra week due to adverse weather. There is a great deal of daily activity with learning taking place. She added that “we teach, learn, and care a lot about kids.” She remarked that as of the end of the week, the school year would be halfway to completion.
Su Thorp. , Junior High/High School Principal, agreed that students were glad to be back to their daily school routine. The local spelling bee was held, and 7th graders Kim Engels and Brooke Ward were the winners. The young ladies will advance to the County Spelling Bee on Tuesday, January 28, at the Millcreek-West Unity School at 6:30 p.m. This year’s mid-term exams were being held, and the school is debating on having exams held before Christmas in upcoming school years. Two students, Ivan Moore and Audrey Pirtle, have earned a spot on the Honor’s Band at Ohio State University. They will perform Saturday, January 18.
The Montpelier High School will be the site for a Blood Drive on Thursday, January 30, 2014, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Community members should contact the high school office at 419-485-6700, extension 4 to make an appointment for donation. Students can sign up in the high school office. Students age 16 may donate with signed permission from a parent. Students age 17 and up do not need parental permission.
On February 3, 2014, Motivational/Inspirational speaker Bob Lenz will be at the school. Five of the seven county school districts will be participating in this special event. He will also be speaking at a local church in the evening, and this is open to the public.
Superintendent Jamison Grime said that the district was at nine weather days this school year. One Blizzard Pack has been issued for students to work on. Due to the delay in returning after the Christmas break, the end of the 9-week grading period was backed up to this week.
The Community of Faith rolled out their program of accompanying students at bus stops and greeting them at the doors of the school this Monday. They have 30 volunteers who are giving of their time for the benefit of Montpelier’s students. They have all been finger-printed to ensure safety of the students. At least two or three adults will be at each bus stop in the mornings.
The minutes from the regular meeting held December 10, 2013, were approved, as was the Treasurer’s report as follows:
1. Approved the financial statements and investments for December 2013 as presented:
a. Cash Reconciliation
b. SM2
c. Investment Report
d. Financial Report
e. General Fund Revenues & Expenditures Report
f. Fund Summaries
g. Check Register
2. Recommend to accept the following donations:
From: Don and Jennifer Schlosser $20 To: K-6 Principal’s Account – $10 7-To:12 Principal’s Account – $10
From: Montpelier Area Chamber of Commerce $100
To: Jazz Band – $50.00
To: Locomotion – $50.00
From: Class of ’58 $40
To: The District (in memory of Mary Schelling Soule
From: Edon Schools $20
To: Choir (for the use of lighting equipment)
From: Williams County Agricultural Society $100
To: Marching Band
From: F.I.R.S.T. Club $299
To: Boys’ Basketball
From: Michael Hutchinson $50
To: Football
From: Hammer Athletics $307
To: Athletic Department
3. Recommend to permit the CFO/Treasurer request the County Budget Commission make chages to the Amended Certificate as presented.
4. Recommend to approve modifications to permanent appropriations for fiscal year 2014 as presented.
The Consent Agenda was approved. This included:
Employment/Certified Staff
1. Anthony Coleman’s move to Master’s Degree for the 2013-2014 school year.
2. Stephanie Friend’s move to Master’s Degree +24 for the 2013-2014 school year.
3. Graduate hours for Kaitlyn Brancheau, Stephanie Friend and Khrysta Long for the 2013-2014 school year.
4. Add Elizabeth Benedict to the substitute teacher list for the 2013-2014 school year.
5. Marjory Johnson’s move to Bachelor’s Degree +15 for the 2013-2014 school year.
6. The retirement of Christina Hupe effective on or before My 31, 2014.
7. The resignation of Katie Zimmerman effective at the end of the 2013-2014 school year.
8. Graduate hours for Blayne Bible for the 2013-2014 school year.
9. Add David Apple and Chris Roberts to the substitute teacher list for the 2013-2014 school year.
Employment/Classified Staff
1. Jacob Hindell as an athletic trainer for the 2013-2014 school year.
2. Matthew Slattman as an athletic trainer for the 2013-2014 school year.
3. Taccara Gibbs to the substitute bus driver list for the 2013-2014 school year.
The Board passed two resolutions. The first resolution authorized the Superintendent, on behalf of this Board, to accept resignations which have been submitted by employees during times when this Board is not in session, subject to ratification by this Board; provided however, that upon ratification by the Board, such resignations shall be deemed effective as of the date and time of the Superintendent’s response.
The second resolution authorizes the Superintendent, during periods when this Board is not in session, to make offers of employment directly to candidates for either teaching or nonteaching positions on behalf of this Board, and to acknowledge acceptance of such offers on behalf of this Board, subject to a subsequent vote of ratification by the Board; provided however, that upon ratification by this Board, the employment shall be deemed effective as of the date and time of the employee’s acceptance of the Superintendent’s offer. Nothing in this resolution shall require the Board of Education to employ or continue to employ and individual who has not provided a criminal records check satisfactory to the Board or who has not satisfied any other prerequisite to employment created by law or Board policy.
In other business, the Board voted to approve the membership renewal dues with NAIER, the National Association of Equipment Inventory Reduction. This organization serves as a resource for ordering classroom supplies for only the cost of shipping.
The January meeting concluded with no executive session needed. The Montpelier School Board meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 5:00 p.m. in the music room unless otherwise indicated.