STUDENT RECOGNITION … At the beginning of the February 7, 2022 Montpelier School Board meeting, the following students were recognized. From left to right, front to back: Campbell Shoup from Kindergarten – for being a super local leader. Emma Custar of First grade – for her outstanding character and bright smile that shines in the classroom every day. Aidan Hannaford of Second grade – for his excellent attitude and wonderful sense of humor. Quinn Shoup of Third grade – for her eagerness to learn and by being a great friend to her peers. Luxi Fry of Fourth grade – for her contagious smile and positive influence in the classroom. Maggie Richmire of Fifth grade – for being a true Locomotive with her leadership skills. Bailey Abrams of Sixth grade – for her willingness to go out of her way to help other struggling students. Samantha Walkup of Seventh grade – for not only being respectful to adults but because she chooses to not follow the crowd. Madison Brown of Seventh grade – because she always strives to be an accomplished seventh grader. Joel Dohner of Eighth grade (not present for picture) – because he chooses to actively participate in extracurricular activities. High school student Alivya Fry was awarded by her teachers because of her polite and positive attitude in class. (PHOTO BY REBECCA MILLER, STAFF)
By: Trishelle Smith
On Tuesday, February 8, 2022, the Montpelier Board of Education met. The Board recognized multiple students for their above average behavior. Congratulations to February’s winners. Patti Rockey, board member and legislative liaison, introduced news of upcoming and potential bills.
House Bill 529 was introduced on January 4, 2022, requiring schools to post their curriculum by July 1 of every year. The Bill has not had a hearing thus far.
House Bill 126 passed Senate with revisions, requiring property taxes to be lowered. House Bill 110 proposed eleven million in school grants to be funded from this bill.
High School Principal, Susan Thorp, informed the board of upcoming events. February 10 is scheduled for parent teacher conferences. Graduation planning for student will be held soon and all ninth through eleventh grade students are required to have a plan for graduation.
The Academic Assist teachers will be meeting with each student to set up goals for graduation. These plans will be discussed with parents at the upcoming parent teacher conferences.
Teachers will be focusing on health and wellness, CPR training and other activities on February 11 for Professional Development Day.
Four people were inducted into the Hall of Fame on Saturday, February 5 at the Montpelier vs. Continental game as the class of 1925 and 1962 track teams were recognized.
The Heritage award will be announced during the Senior banquet on May 2. On February 14 there will be a safety drill with the threat assessment team.
Juniors will be taking the ACT at the Rec center, on April 1, along with CPR training which will be provided.
Lance Thorp, Elementary principal, shared the following:
-students celebrated their 100th day.
-Four Fourth and Fifth graders will be competing in the upcoming Math Counts competition. This timed testing will celebrate the math strengths of each student participating.
-2nd grade gifted testing began on February 7, 2022

Upcoming Activities include:
-Spring Parent teacher conferences scheduled for February 10, 2022
-February 11 – Waiver Day scheduled
-February 14 – Valentine’s Day will be celebrated by K-3 students and staff
-February 14 – Threat Assessment team will have training
-February 18- 3-6 Loco Leaders assembly was postponed until Friday.

-February 21st- no school for Presidents day
-February 25- Archery program fun knight k-2 430-630. 3-4 at 645-845 at Rec Center
-February 28- Dr. Seuss spirit week
-March 2- NWOESC math competition for Math Counts.
Carla Rice, Treasurer, reported that she received the fourth quarter 2021 School District income tax settlement. This year it was seven percent higher the previous years, making this the highest ever received.
In the budget, with the new funding formula, the Revenue line was down $106,000 due to open enrollment funding changes.
The restricted funds are to be used for gifted student wellness and success funding amongst students. $416,000 is required to be used for student wellness.
Federal grant requirements recently changed. Energy Optimizers have been contracted to fix the chillers and Rice stated she has asked them to provide proof with documentation that they are following the Federal rules and not the Municipal guidelines. Rice also introduced her new assistant, Amanda Long.
The Financial Reports that were approved for the month of January 2022 were Cash Reconciliation, FINSUM, Check Register, Budget vs. Actual report, and Investment Report.
The following donations were approved: Old Tyme Holiday Gathering/ Williams County Pork Producers of $500.000, and Owens Electric of $353.66.
The Board approved the Resolution Accepting the Amounts and Rates as determined by the Budget Commission and authorizing necessary tax levies and certifying them to the county auditor.
Also approved were the following supplemental contracts for 2021-2022 school year. HS softball Assistant Bryan Hopper with 0 years’ experience, HS Softball Volunteer Lauren Rickenberg, HS Track Assistant Anthony Coleman with 12 years’ experience. HS Softball Assistant Eric Stantz with one-year experience, HS Softball Assistant Brooke Moore with 0 years’ experience, HS Track assistant Beth Dye with 5 years’ experience, Archery volunteer Devein Harter.

Following a lengthy discussion begun by new board member Dunne Gambler concerning some items in Amanda Long’s contract that appear to be outdated, the Board Approved her contract with revisions.
They agreed that this topic needs to be addressed concerning all contracts in the future. The board also approved the retirement of Timothy Pawlowicz, custodian II, effective May 31, 2022, and the continued agreement with the Ohio High School Athletic Association for the 2022-2023 school year.
No other business was discussed.
Trishelle can be reached at