RED TASSEL CEREMONY … Montpelier Women of the Moose 270 held College of Regents chapter night meeting Nov. 21st. Collegian Kara Custar, center, was honored to receive her red tassel for her regalia in a special ceremony. Serving as her investing officer was Collegian Terri Baltosser, left, chapter Senior Regent. Conducting the ceremony as director was Collegian Joyce Schelling, right, chapter Higher Degree chairman.
Montpelier Chapter 270, Women of the Moose, held Higher Degree Committee-College of Regents chapter night Thursday, Nov. 21st at 6:00 p.m.
Collegians present attended in regalia, consisting of a black cap and gown. Collegian Kara Custar, center, was honored in the Red Tassel ceremony when the green tassel on her cap was changed to a red tassel.
Kara was eligible to receive her College of Regents Degree in 2019, but due to the Covid pandemic she had to wait until 2020 to receive her degree in Milwaukee at the Moose International Convention, where she was invested with the cap & gown & green tassel.
A year later, a collegian is eligible to receive the red tassel. This was delayed until now since she and her husband returned to Williams County from Alaska about a year ago. Congratulations, Kara!
Serving as her investing officer was Collegian Terri Baltosser, who is the chapter’s current senior regent. Conducting the ceremony as director was Collegian Joyce Schelling, past International Grand Council Member.
Joyce is currently serving as the chapter’s Higher Degree Chairman, and this year marked a milestone as a 50-year College of Regents member.
She also announced the committee has planned a Christmas Cookie Walk project on Friday, Dec. 20th starting at 5:00 p.m. in the lodge social quarters. All donations of cookies by members will be appreciated.
Members are encouraged to participate in Operation Santa Claus to help five families in need. Tags for children’s gifts are available to pick from the Angel Tree, with suggestions listed. Gifts must be returned to the lodge wrapped with the tags on the outside of the gift by Dec. 18th.
Also, donations of canned goods and non-perishable food items are being collected for Operation Santa Claus families. Financial donations are also being accepted. The next chapter meeting is scheduled Thursday, Dec. 19th at 6:30 p.m. in the east meeting room.