Jared Rediger will receive his Eagle Scout Award on Sunday, June 26th, 2016, during an Eagle Scout Court of Honor held at the First Presbyterian Church in Montpelier, OH.
Jared is the son of Don and Beth Rediger of Montpelier and the grandson of Edgar & Birdena Dixon of Montpelier, and Donald & Martha Rediger of Pioneer.
Jared began his scouting career as Tiger Club in the first grade with Cub Scout Pack #25 sponsored by the First Presbyterian Church. He earned the Arrow of Light before becoming a Boy Scout and entering Troop #1125 under the guidance of Scoutmaster Russell Luke. As a Boy Scout, he earned 26 merit badges and held several leadership positions including senior patrol leader. He attended the National Youth Leadership Training and is a member of the Order of the Arrow. Jared also attended summer camp each year at Camp Lakota in Defiance.
For his Eagle Scout Project, Jared built three park benches and an informational kiosk for the Village of Montpelier Parks and Recreational Department. During the summer, Jared works as a lifeguard at Montpelier Pool and the Bryan YMCA.
Jared is a senior at Montpelier High Schools where he participates in varsity Track and Cross Country. He is an academic honor student and a member of the National Honor Society, robotics team, and science Olympiad. Upon graduation, Jared plans to serve in the Air Force R.O.T.C and attend college studying Mechanical Engineering and Robotics.