By: Jacob Kessler
The Multi-Area Narcotics Task Force, otherwise known as the M.A.N. Unit, is continuing on with its unique mission.
This unique unit covers six counties (Fulton, Williams, Defiance, Henry, Putnam, and Paulding), the City of Defiance, Bryan, Napoleon, and the Village of Archbold. Each of these departments also gives an officer to the task force.
These officers cover an area of 2,100 square miles and investigate narcotics crimes that are primarily focused on the dealing of narcotics.
“Narcotics traffickers have no boundaries, so the officers assigned to the task force have arrest powers in all six counties.”
“Narcotics investigations are periodically lengthy and utilize a lot of staffing. This poses an issue when several local law enforcement agencies have staffing issues, which eventually impacts our task force when they pull their officer back into uniform,” said a member of the Task Force.
When an officer is assigned to the task force, they are supplied with the equipment and training they need in order to perform their duties.
This training usually takes approximately a year to complete and will provide them with the experience to execute their job correctly.
Our local M.A.N. Unit handles around 500 cases annually in the six-county area. As a unit, they are equipped to assist participating agencies with forensic data extraction from electronic equipment, no matter the crime being investigated.
“The sale, possession, or trafficking of illegal narcotics trade is the root of numerous crimes. We often watch the same group of criminals committing the same crimes repeatedly, as it is a vicious cycle of dabbling in narcotics.”
Most recently, the Task Force and Law Enforcement have been seeing an increase in the use of Fentanyl, which is a substance that causes substantial harm to individuals that come in contact with it.
“There has been an increase in overdoses in the six-county area because of the Fentanyl use. The Task Force and the State of Ohio are examining other ways to help addicts recover, allowing them the opportunity to become productive citizens in the community.”
“Unfortunately, there are times where the only option for the addict is to leave the area and relocate so they are not influenced and relapse.”
“I believe law enforcement is essential because there would be chaos without law and order in society, and evil would run rampant.”
“I want to the communities that the Task Force serves to know that they can go to the Task Force website. to get information or to send in a tip.
Due to the sensitive nature of this task force, names have been withheld.
Jacob can be reached at