The stages of addiction, particularly opioids, will be the focus of the April 4 NAMI Four County meeting.
The meeting, which is open to the public, starts at 7 p.m. at the Four County ADAMhs Board office, T-761 State Route 66 south of Archbold.
Billie Jo Horner, NAMI’s president and an Ohio certified prevention specialist, will lead a presentation on the cycles of addiction, recovery and relapse, and Wendy Jennings, NAMI’s executive director, will provide information on addiction from the perspective of a family member.
Questions and discussion of the topic are encouraged by participants, according to Horner. However, persons are also welcome to simply attend and listen.
NAMI Four County is an affiliate of the National Alliance on Mental Illness, the nation’s largest advocacy organization for mental health and related behavioral health issues.
The local chapter meets the first Tuesday of every month to provide information about behavioral health topics to promote better understanding of the issues and discuss questions that family members and others may have.
In addition to the monthly meeting, NAMI Four County also sponsors a number of support groups for family members and friends who have a loved one living with mental health issues as well as groups for the person with a mental health issue.
Additionally, the local chapter sponsors classes throughout the year for family members, persons with an illness, and persons in helping professions who interact with families and individuals affected by mental health issues.
For more information about the support groups and classes, please visit the NAMI Four County website: or call 419-405-3651 to speak with someone about the groups and classes.
NAMI Four County is governed by a board of directors.
There are vacancies on the board. Community members with an interest in mental health advocacy, support and education who would like more information about serving on the board of directors should contact Wendy Jennings by email at or by phone at 419-405-3651.