THE GLOW Nature Fresh Farms Greenhouse in Delta has lights on the inside that help the growth of the companys new organic strawberries The light which is brighter on some nights than others has been seen as far north as Adrian Michigan the western part of Williams County and more
By: Jacob Kessler
While it is not a spotlight in the sky, most should have noticed by now the bright and colorful light shining in the night sky.
The light itself has been seen many miles away into the western parts of Williams County, up into Adrian Michigan, and more.
This light comes from the Nature Fresh Farms Greenhouse located on Airport Highway just to the west of Delta. This intriguing light definitely gives the area a whole look of its own.
The greenhouse operates 365 days per year and grows tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, and strawberries. During the fall and winter months, the lights are turned on in order to supplement the natural light received from the sun, which is reduced during this time.
This reduction in sunlight causes growth to become stunted, reduces the “fruit” bearing ability of the plants, and the amount of sugar and nutrient content within the plants. This equates to a lack of flavor and quality.
The lights are used to ensure the greenhouse is able to grow the highest quality, most flavorful, and nutrient-dense produce possible. But why the bright color?
The variance in light color that is seen depends on the particular lights and wavelength of lights being used at the time.
Currently, the new organic strawberries being grown in the Delta facility require light that appears pink/purplish.
This light supplements the natural light the strawberry plants receive and allows the facility to grow organic strawberries all year round. This is especially special as it was the first greenhouse in the United States to grow organic strawberries.