RETIREMENTS … Retiring officers and board members of the Montpelier Hospital Auxiliary were recognized and thanked for their service at the June 13 luncheon. From left to right are Secretary and new life member Connie Dunseth, retiring Historian Marty Brace, retiring President Gloria Poorman, new President Patty Ledyard, Past President Carol Eriksen, and retiring Gift Shop Manager and new Historian Ruth Cooley. (PHOTOS PROVIDED)
New officers for the 2022-23 year were installed at the Monday, June 13th noon luncheon meeting for members of the Community Hospitals & Wellness Centers Montpelier Hospital Auxiliary, held at First Presbyterian Church in Montpelier. Auxiliary President Gloria Poorman welcomed everyone and opened the meeting with prayer.
A delicious meal of ham loaf, cheesey potatoes, green beans, salad and pie was prepared and served by Jean Darby’s crew including Sharon Crowe, Elaine Willibey and Gloria Gilcher. All were thanked for their efforts.
President Poorman conducted the meeting beginning with the auxiliary prayer. Roll call was answered by naming a favorite summer vacation spot. Secretary Connie Dunseth read previous meeting’s minutes, followed by reports from Treasurer Joyce Schelling and Gift Shop Manager Ruth Cooley.
A special announcement was made that the auxiliary’s gift shop has been permanently closed effective June 14th according to a directive from hospital management.
The gift shop has been closed for the past 2-1/2 years due to Covid-19 restrictions at the hospital. Proceeds from the auxiliary’s gift shop have been donated to the CHWC Share Foundation for many years.
The gift shop room has been re-designated for either expansion of the patient waiting area or for physicians’ conference room.
Auxiliary members who helped pack and box up items from the gift shop for storage were thanked for their efforts.
During the packing process, several hospital employees shared their appreciation of the auxiliary’s volunteers and gift shop, where short visits and conversation were enjoyed during break-time or before and after work shifts in addition to sales to the public.
President Gloria gave a recap of the auxiliary’s speakers, topics, programs and projects during the past two years.
As installing officer, she proceeded with the candlelight ceremony for installation of new officers as follows: Secretary Connie Dunseth, Treasurer Joyce Schelling, Vice President Armeda Sawmiller, and President Patty Ledyard.
HONORED FOR SERVICE … Ruth Cooley, left, was recognized for her years of service as Montpelier Hospital Gift Shop Manager for the local auxiliary at the organization’s year-end luncheon June 13th. She was presented a framed certificate of appreciation on behalf of the auxiliary by Junior Past President Gloria Poorman, right.
During the ceremony each officer’s duties were summarized and all pledged their support to the auxiliary. Each also received a decorative metal garden flower and paperwork notebook.
Gloria automatically becomes Junior Past President and was given a pot of pink azaleas in appreciation of her service.
Retiring auxiliary executive board members including all officers and Past President Carol Eriksen, Historian Marty Brace, and Gift Shop Manager Ruth Cooley were recognized and thanked for their efforts.
Ruth Cooley was presented a framed certificate of appreciation for her service as gift shop manager for the past several years.
With Marty retiring as historian, Ruth Cooley will assume the historian’s duties. Also, the auxiliary’s newest life member, Connie Dunseth, was presented with her life member pin.
Discussion was held regarding possible future fund-raising projects including participation in the local library’s Fall Fest in October and community Old Tyme Gathering craft show and sale in November.
During the summer, the auxiliary will only conduct monthly executive board meetings and the program committee will meet to schedule guest speakers and programs/events for the new year with new program books printed. September is designated as membership drive month.
General meetings of the auxiliary will resume in October on the second Monday each month.
NEW OFFICERS … CHWC Montpelier Hospital Auxiliary held installation of officers Monday, June 13th at their noon luncheon at First Presbyterian Church, Montpelier. New officers for 2022-2023 are from left to right—Secretary Connie Dunseth, Treasurer and Publicity Chairman Joyce Schelling, Junior Past President and Installing Officer Gloria Poorman, President Patty Ledyard, and Vice President and Sunshine Chairman Armeda Sawmiller.