By: James Pruitt
Ziad Musallam, Fulton County sanitary engineer came to the meeting to explain the addendums to the Water Service Agreement between Fulton County and the village of Metamora. A new contract has been negotiated between Toledo and Fulton County.
The Fulton County Water Advisory Board, made up of representatives of local communities met June 22. The board reviewed the water rate based on the reduced rate of the water being purchased from Toledo.
It was decided to recommend to the Board of County Commissioners to reduce the retail rate of water being sold to Northeast Water System from $10.61 to $9.32 per 1,000 gallons, with the rates reduced as of May 1.
Musallum sent the minutes of the meeting to Wysong. He will forward a copy to the office. The cost of $9.32 consists of the debt service, cost of purchasing the water and the operations maintenance and replacement cost.
In 2009 the county and the village entered into an agreement for the county to sell water in Metamora as a part of NEWS.
The new contract between the county and Toledo is for 20 years starting March 15. It will lock the rate at the declined block rate for the county. The new agreement with
Toledo also has no minimum usage. An alternative water source could be used if one was found.
The county could get water from Archbold for less, but building the infrastructure to North Star would cost at least $22 million. North Star has met its obligation to the state, county and school district to create and maintain employment for 15 years. The company could leave at any time.
The county asked North Star if it would commit to another 20 years and North Star declined. If North Star would leave, the county would not have the income to pay for the $22 million debt.
Metamora solicitor Alan Lehenbauer has reviewed the contract between the county and the village and emailed his input. Suggesting a change to Part III, Item 4, which is the term of the agreement.
Ziad will email the village and copy in Alan about any amendment.
The County recently sent out the 2015 Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) as required by the Ohio EPA. The results were good and met all the EPA Standards. The lead and copper for the Northeast Water District is below any action level.
Hydrant flushing is done annually. It is planned for Metamora in September or October. An insert will be mailed with the water bill to let residents know when the hydrant flushing will occur.
They will notify Chip when flushing in case he needs water for any projects.

Council member John Hudik suggest “No Camping” signs be added to “No Swimming” or boats at the reservoir. The council talked about what signs are already at the reservoir “No Trespassing,” “Closed at Dusk,” etc.
The village will need to check on the signs to know exactly what is posted.
Justin Kreischer asked about the route for the 5K Run during Park-O-Rama. Wysong said it is probably the same at last year, starting at the corner of Swanton and Main, down SR 64 to CR T, up to Parker and through town.
Kreischer reported the Boy Scouts are setting up for car races at 9 a.m. on Swanton Street. The 5K starts at 8/8:30 and they should be through Swanton Street before 9 a.m. It was noted that the Boy Scouts have not inquired with Council about using or closing Swanton Street.
There will be no beer at the Park-O-Rama this year. This was decided a couple of months ago at the Park-O-Rama meeting. The cost for the license and insurance were too high.
• Beth Thomas of the Fulton County Health Department is requesting permission to hang “Substance Abuse” banner on park fence. The banner is 3 feet by 5 feet and is to encourage conversations between parents/adults and youth on the dangers of substance use.

Evidence has shown that kids whose parents or other adults speak with them on a regular basis demonstrate a decrease in substance use by 50 percent. Council approved hanging the banner in the park down Memorial Drive on the fence in the northwest corner.
• Propose once or twice a month curb side brush pick-up. It is currently being picked multiple times a week. Ken voiced that it used to be every Monday and that we should go back to every Monday. John recommending dumping the brush at the reservoir instead of making multiple trips to Lammon Brothers in Delta.
It was decided that brush (branches, twigs) and compostable (grass, weeds) would be picked up every Monday and taken to the reservoir. It can be decided later what to do with the brush. This will save a lot of time in driving back & forth to Lammon Brothers in Delta.
Estimates for disposing of the current pile of brush and grass at the reservoir were reviewed. Alternative Tree quote is $1,850. Lammon Brothers quoted $2,200. Swanton was quoted $100 per hour for a chipper and an operator.
The Fire Department will consider burning it as a training exercise.
Ken will instruct Chip to pick up the brush and grass on Mondays only and to stop taking loads to Lammon Brothers.

• $390 received from Easter Seals for the donations made by the residents after the Garage Sales.
• Charter Communications are assuming the transactions of Time Warner Cable and will be using their new name “Spectrum”.
• Tom Carr suggested village put up signs in the park restricting dogs inside ball fields. A lot of dog feces being found inside the ball fields. All dogs should be on a lease. Order and put a sign up in the park and on Facebook stating “No Dogs inside the Ball Fields”.
Mayor’s report –
• Requesting Personnel & Finance and Land & Buildings Committees to do a six-month review to see if the village is where it should be mid-year.
• Ken talked to Gary Keys of Toledo Edison about the stake/rod under the sidewalk that caused the concrete to heave at 1187 Wildflower Drive. There was a lot of confusion on who was responsible for fixing it. It ended up being Toledo Edison’s stake/rod. The rod can be pulled out. Believe it should be pulled out by Edison. Ken will call Gary Keys to request the pin be pulled out. When the concrete is poured and the bill received, we’ll send it to Toledo Edison.
• The Library would like to have the park restrooms unlocked for their “Teddy Bear Walk” from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Aug. 10. Approved by council.

• The women’s restroom in the park needs regular cleaning and it doesn’t look like it has been being done. Hand towels need to be available in the concession stand so they can be refilled when needed. Should be checked daily. Ball games should be done on the 17. Ken will let Chip know to lock the restroom doors when they leave for the day. A recommendation made to paint the restrooms and the cabinets from the water plant be moved to the Shelter A.
• Justin Kreischer will be out of town from July 17-22.
James Pruitt may be reached at