The following actions were taken by the Northwest Ohio Educational Service Center Governing Board at their regular meeting held December 15, 2015.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by President Ron Crawford. All in attendance recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Honored for their years of service to the NwOESC were out-going board members William Green (8 years), Le Ann Fritch (24 years), Ken Esterline (26 years), and Jim Brubaker (24 years). In attendance were Mr. Craig Burford, Executive Director of the Ohio Educational Service Center Association (OESCA), Dr. Jan Osborn, Putnam County ESC Superintendent, as well as other guests. Each member was recognized for their commitment and service to education.
The following items were approved under the consent agenda format:
*Approved minutes of the organizational board meeting held November 24, 2015.
*Approved Financial Transactions
-Holgate Lumber Company to provide to NwOESC, 21st Century (Holgate), Career Readiness, Service Learning and Youth Mentoring Services for the period of 12/1/15-6/30/16
Cynthia Ricica, Paraprofessional, effective 12/2/15
Classified Limited
Kott, Ashleigh D. – CLASS-1 Yr – 12/3/15- 7/31/16
Owen, Ashley D. – CLASS-1 Yr – 1/4/16- 6/30/16
Classified Notice – Burill, Megan L.
21st Century Site Coordinators
Liberty Center – Elizabeth Instone
21st Century Teachers
Ayersville – Shannon George, Kelsey Wolfrum
Defiance – Danielle Caryer
Holgate – Kathy Beck
Liberty Center – Katherine Brown
21st Century Program Assistants
Ayersville – Michelle Retcher
Liberty Center – Kathleen Benson
Substitute Teachers
Sarah Macsay, Samantha Seemann, Audrey Stuckey
Substitute Paraprofessionals
Samantha Seemann
*Approved the following policy recommendations:
Policy 1130 – Conflict of Interest – revised
Policy 1630.01 – FMLA Leave – revised
Policy 2461 – Recording of Educational Service Center Meetings Involving Students and/or Parents – revised
Policy 3113 – Conflict of Interest – revised
Policy 3220 – Teacher Evaluation – revised
Policy 3430.01 – FMLA Leave – revised
Policy 3450 – Tuition Reimbursement – revised
Policy 4113 – Conflict of Interest – revised
Policy 4430.01 – FMLA Leave – revised
Policy 5344 – Communicable Disease – Preschool – revised
Policy 6410 – Credit Card Use by Administrative Team – revised
Policy 7510 – Use of Educational Service Center Premises – revised
Policy 8420 – Emergency Situations at Schools – new
Policy 8454 – Automated External Defibrillators (AED) – revised
*Approved the purchase of repairs including materials and labor from Krueger Construction due to on-going work necessary beyond the initial scope of the project for the period beginning 8/28/15
*Approved 2016 membership dues to Ohio School Board Association including subscriptions to Virtual Transportation Supervisor, OSBA Briefcase (hard copy) and to School Management News (hard copy).
*Approved an OSBA Legal Assistance Fund Consultant Service Contract pursuant to R.C. Section 3313.171 for the period of 1/1/16-12/31/16
*Approved a contract with the Ohio School Boards Association (OSBA for two sessions of professional development to be held locally for area board of education members and central office administration.
*Approved a contract with Community Hospitals and Wellness Centers to provide related services (Appendix A Speech Therapy Services only at this time) for the period of 12/16/15-6/15/16.
*Established the following for the 2016 Organizational meeting:
DATE: Fourth Tuesday, 1/26/2016
TIME: 7:00 pm
LOCATION: NwOESC Conference Room
*Approved proclamation. The superintendent recognizes each board member for their dedicated service to the NwOESC governing board, as January is Board Member Appreciation Month in the State of Ohio. Our school children benefit every day from the dedication and commitment to public education of school board members. Thank you to the men and women who serve in this capacity!
School Board Recognition Month
WHEREAS, it shall be the mission of the Northwest Ohio Educational Service Center to assist in providing all students with the best possible education; and
WHEREAS, the governing board sets the direction for the Educational Service Center by envisioning the educational future of the communities we serve; and
WHEREAS, the governing board sets policies and procedures to govern all aspects of the Educational Service Center; and
WHEREAS, the governing board keeps attention focused on progress toward goals and maintains two-way communication with all segments of our communities; and
WHEREAS, serving on a governing board requires an unselfish devotion of time and service to carry on the mission and business of the Educational Service Center; and
WHEREAS, the governing board must respond on behalf of the communities to the educational needs of students; and
WHEREAS, the governing board voluntarily accepts the above-mentioned responsibilities;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Northwest Ohio Educational Service Center does hereby proclaim January 2016 as School Board Recognition Month in Defiance, Fulton, Henry and Williams Counties. The Northwest Ohio Educational Service Center encourages all citizens to publicly and privately thank all school board and governing board members for their dedicated service to our children.
*Entered Executive Session to consider the appointment of a public official.
Mr. Baker reported on the status of HB 299 (autism scholarship), HB 113 (instruction in CPR and the use of automated external defibrillators), SB 238 (designate October as Ohio Principals Month), and HCR 4 (designate January 24-30, 2016 as National School Choice Week). These bills are all pending legislation. In addition, Mr. Baker shared information on the Every Student Succeeds Act signed recently by the President. This bipartisan measure reauthorizes the 50-year-old Elementary and Secondary Education Act, the nation’s national education law and longstanding commitment to equal opportunity for all students. On area of emphasis will be increased state and local control.
Mrs. Gearhart reported that the State Board of Education will be determining the rules for “high performing” ESCs set to go into effect in FY17. Primary services and cost savings will be focus areas. New Board Member Orientation was held at the NwOESC in December with over 30 participants from area schools attending. Facilitating was Dr. John Granger along with input from a variety of panel members including district superintendents, treasurers, and board members. OSBA and NwOESC will be partnering for additional board member trainings this winter and spring.
Mrs. Pietrykowski reported the Business Office is working on insurance follow-up as a result of open enrollment, payroll changes to align deductions, ACA tracking, mid-year program cost calculations, and 1099 reporting. Additionally, substitute recruitment efforts are underway for both teachers and paraprofessionals, as there is a substitute shortage in many area schools.
Mrs. Gilliland reported that efforts continue in developing preschool programming per district service requests.
DIRECTOR OF curriculum, instruction
and professional development
Mrs. Dobbelaere reported on her recent collaboration with other ESC curriculum directors from across the state.
As all of the business of the evening was complete, the meeting adjourned at 8:35 pm. The organizational meeting will be held at 7:00 pm, with the regular meeting to follow on Tuesday, January 26, 2016 at the NwOESC office located at 205 Nolan Parkway, Archbold, OH.