The following actions were taken by the Northwest Ohio Educational Service Center Governing Board at their regular meeting held October 25, 2016.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by President Ron Crawford. All in attendance recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
The following items were approved under the consent agenda format:
•Approved Financial Transactions
-Ayersville Local Schools to provide to NwOESC, Paraprofessional Services for the period of 8/15/16-6/15/17.
-Sufficient Grace Ministries to provide to NwOESC, 21st Century (Patrick Henry MS/HS), Youth Mentoring Services, Character Development Service Learning and Self Esteem Experiences for the period of 9/1/16-6/30/17.
-The RIDGE Project to provide to NwOESC, 21st Century (Delta MS), Positive Youth Development Activities, Character Development and Self Esteem Experiences Services for the period of 9/1/16-6/30/17.
-NwOESC to provide to Pike-Delta-York Local Schools, Extended School Year Services for the period of 6/1/16-8/25/17.
Rene Hadding, Paraprofessional, effective 10/8/16
Matthew Nofzinger, Bus Driver, effective 10/19/16
Certified Limited
Verhoff, Natasha L. – CERT-1 Yr – 10/10/16 to 6/30/17
Classified Limited
Carpenter, Mikala E. – CLASS-1 Yr – 10/24/16 to 6/30/17
Kutzli, Jodi L. – CLASS-1 Yr – 10/25/16 to 7/31/17
McCandless, Ashley M. – CLASS-1 Yr – 10/25/16 to 7/31/17
Rauch-Slattman, Debra – CLASS-1 Yr – 10/24/16 to 7/31/17
Weber, Christine M. – CLASS-1 Yr – 10/11/16 to 7/31/17
Williamson, Abbie L. – CLASS-1 Yr – 10/18/16 to 7/31/17
Classified Notice
Dunbar, Kendall N.
21st Century Site Coordinators
Delta – Douglas Ford
21st Century Teachers
Wauseon – Lynlee Reinking
21st Century Drivers
Ayersville – Brenda Pahl
Substitute Paraprofessionals
Erica Blanton, Sandra Eitniear, Madeline Gill, Cheri Goertz, Cameron Hewson, Theresa Lantz, Ashley McCandless, Abbie Williamson
Substitute Teachers
Erica Blanton, Debra Cook, Rachel Fialkowski, Christopher Fidler, Christopher Kirkum, Amanda Krill, Erin McCormick, Jacob Palte, Emilee Rankin, Kathro Yoder
Substitute IEC Bus Drivers
Jodi Hulbert
Student Teachers/Interns/Volunteers
Lemon, Emily, Speech-Language Pathologist Internship as a University of Toledo Student, Fall Semester, 2016 Placed with Kathleen Burnett
•Approved a memorandum of understanding with Recovery Services of Northwest Ohio for student workbooks to accompany the program “Too Good for Drugs” for the period of 9/27/2016 through 6/30/2017 with proceeds from the Safe Schools Healthy Students Grant.
•Approved employment of Dorthy K. Pietrykowski as Assistant to the Treasurer-Fiscal Consultant for the period of October 25, 2016 through June 30, 2017. The duties of this position will be to assist the chief financial officer with the annual duties unique to Northwest Ohio Educational Service Center.
•Approved the Agreement with Bonefish Systems for Electronic Vendor Audit System (eVAS) and Electronic Payroll Audit System (ePAS) for a five year term, commencing 10/26/2016.
•Approved participation with website program through the Ohio Treasurer of State.
•Adopted Board Policy 6210A (Operating Balance Management).
•Entered Executive Session to discuss the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion, or compensation of a public employee or the investigation of charges or complaints against a public employee, official, licensee or regulated individual.
The 2017 benefit rates for health, dental, vision and life insurance were reviewed with the board. Preliminary discussion was held on Four County Career Center appointments.
Kerri Gearhart shared that NwOESC was recently designated as a High Performing ESC per the State’s new application and review process.
The NwOESC submission indicated a 27.16% cost savings to member districts on five primary services selected, resulting in a total cost savings of approximately $922,000. Collectively Ohio’s ESCs are demonstrating $54 million in savings statewide through the High Performing ESC application process. Meetings with member districts are being scheduled over the next few months to obtain feedback on programs and services offered by NwOESC. Renovations are underway in the building for a healthcare clinic available to consortium members electing healthcare benefits. Updated vending options will be implemented soon in the facility café. OSBA will be providing board of education member training locally this year, with topics including negotiation trends, public records and school law, and booster and extra-curricular groups best practices. Members of the Board of Education and Administrative Team will be attending the OSBA Capital Conference & Trade Show in Columbus in November.
Homer Hendricks reported that business office staff and others will attend a webinar on Board Docs. Insurance open-enrollment for staff will be November 1st – 18th this year, and is a passive enrollment process. FY17 costs are being reviewed for the preparation of mid-year estimates to districts. The annual state audit will likely begin in December. Quarterly graphs and investments reports were reviewed.
Jill Gilliland shared that upcoming training are planned on the identification and services to students who are Deaf-Blind as well as supporting positive behaviors. NwOESC preschool programs continue to earn 5-Star ratings in Step-Up-To-Quality.
Kris Dobbelaere shared a sample Wellness Newsletter developed by Melissa Sears, Office Specialist, promoting staff health and wellness. Since the start of the school year, approximately 750 teachers have attended trainings targeting general education supports and strategies.
This is above and beyond training targeting special education or through the Ohio Department of Education or the State Support Team Region 1. District Data days and Leadership Lunch and Learns are in process, with good feedback to date. ODE staff will be at NwOESC in November and December to discuss Local Report Cards and the Every Student Succeeds Act with area administrators. Consultants have been busy with various county events involving students at our member districts. To date events have included the Fulton County Ag. Fest, Williams County JH Honors Band, Williams County Quiz League, and Williams County Elementary Quiz Tournament.
•As all of the business of the evening was complete, the meeting adjourned at 8:46 pm. The next regular meeting of the board will be held at 7:00 pm on Tuesday, November 22, 2016 at the NwOESC office located at 205 Nolan Parkway, Archbold, OH.