LEADERSHIP … Jim Tressel and Mike Doss are on stage as they speak to a crowd at the Bryan Arts and Education Center in Bryan. The pair speak to the crowd about leadership and their careers as a Buckeye at THE Ohio State University. (PHOTO BY JACOB KESSLER, STAFF)
By: Jacob Kessler
THE Ohio State University’s previous football coach, Jim Tressel, and former Buckeye Safety, Mike Doss, spoke at the Bryan Arts and Education Center about leadership.
The convention was free and took place on Tuesday, October 18th at 7:00 p.m.
The convention was put on by the Bryan Area Foundation in partnership with Altenloh – Brinck and Co. and the Community Hospitals and Wellness Centers (CHWC).
For the past two years before this year, the organization has been bringing speakers to town who will speak about things that are of value to people’s life, and that they are able to utilize. Last year saw Bethany Hamilton come to town.
This year’s theme was “All about the Fun(d)” which was put together in order to raise money for an inclusive playground.
Before the presentation, the Foundation expressed their sincere gratitude towards Mr. Tressel and Mr. Doss for coming to Bryan and speaking. In order to help even more, they also stopped in at the Bryan School to speak to students about leadership and their 20th anniversary of winning the 2002 Ohio State National Championship Game.
Mr. Tressel and Mr. Doss also spoke to the Village Reporter before the presentation and stated the following.
“Our plan is to talk about leadership. How the 2002 team went all the way to the National Championships and won. It was 34 years prior to that when the team had won, and it was a moment where fans finally got the feeling back.”
“This century of OSU football has taken off and that moment exploded it. It was the foundational building blocks to where we are today,” said Jim Tressel.
“We want to discuss leadership with leadership in life. We are also going to highlight our time at OSU and life experiences.”
“It is great that we are able to give back to the communities with organizations like the Bryan Foundation.”
“It is a vehicle that is able to help move, grow and help areas like in Bryan. Being able to branch out and be in communities that are not large metropolitan areas, you truly have a respect for Buckeye Nation and how loved we are outside Columbus in smaller communities.”
“They truly embrace THE Ohio State as the state school and it shows in their passions,” said Mike Doss.
The time then came for the pair to come on stage. Mr. Doss spoke first and explained how excited he was to be out in a community that has helped to support him.”
“He also went on to speak about his experience as a Buckeye and having Jim Tressel as a coach.”
“He also spoke about some of the memories he has, including the fact that the first letter he received from a college came from Jim Tressel when he was still at Youngstown State. Mr. Doss then introduced Mr. Tressel who stood up to speak.
Mr. Tressel started off by speaking about the presentation he gave at the Bryan Area Schools. “Leadership isn’t a position you hold, it’s an action you take to serve others,” said Jim Tressel.
He continued with, “The Bryan Area Foundation is an organization that wants to serve and help others.”
He then went on to speak about their 2002 season and how proud they are of it, the team, and the results.
“We are always a part of the conversation now (meaning Buckeye Nation). The explosion that pushed us forward and made everything possible.”
“Part of it is because of Doss coming back for his fourth season. The older guys knew that something big was going to happen before they left OSU. It was just an expectation.”
“The year previous we were at 7-5. I was just like; I’m trying to keep my job, but they kept asking what’s it going to take.”
“What do we need to do to be National Champions. What does it take to be Champions? It takes serving others,” said Jim Tressel.
Jacob can be reached at jacob@thevillagereporter.com