After approving the minutes of the June 15, 2021 meeting and June 29 Special meeting, the Edgerton Village Council approved the agenda for the July 6, 2021 meeting and moved into reports. Village Administrator Dawn Fitzcharles shared the following information:
-Recommendations from Annual Rate review done by Courtney & Associates have been put in place for 2021. Evaluation of utility bills for Edgerton residents, in comparison with surrounding entities, found Edgerton utilities to be extremely competitive.
Mayor Robert Day thanked her for gathering this information and added that it’s helpful to see the numbers in black and white to “quiet the noise” in the community when utility bills are high.
-Mid-year budget review- First step of the process is identifying budget objectives, available revenues, and operating budget requests.
A budget schedule has been created by administration to work through this process with Department heads and Council. Fitzcharles presented a slideshow of where each utility department stands (electric, water, sewer, storm sewer) as well as the street, general, fire and parks departments.
Capital projects that have been completed in the first and second quarter and will be completed in third and fourth quarter were also presented.
-Power supply costs are a major factor in electric budget. June first kicked off electric peaking season. Managing electric demands during capacity and transmission peaks assists consumers by keeping electric costs down. “Goal is to keep money in customer’s pockets.”
There was also some discussion as to what council wants to see in regards to budget planning and if there are any areas in which they would like to be involved.
Fiscal Officer Denise Knecht presented the June 2021 Financials, the May 2021 Credit Card review and said that the Tax Budget Resolution will be brought before council at the July 20 meeting for the first reading.
Council voted to approve the payment of bills and then held two separate Executive Sessions. Both sessions were held “to discuss wages and compensation of public employees.”
No Action was taken after either and the meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.