The Fayette School Board held their meeting on Monday, October 18th at 6:30 p.m. The meeting was called to order followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and roll call. The board then moved hear reports and updates with the Superintendent speaking first.
The cafeteria has been working to provide two options for lunch even though it has been a challenge with the shortage of quality items being on order.
The school will offer all Fayette students free admission to the Varsity and JV Basketball games this year. Elementary students will need to be accompanied by an adult.
Moving to the Treasurer, House Bill 110 has changed the State Foundation payment. An update has been given on what it could look like, but no factual numbers have been released and may not be until December.
The school is not supposed to receive less than last year and is hoping for more special education funding and transportation. The High School Principal then let everyone know that a Veterans Day luncheon will be held on November 11th provided by the National Honor Society. All veterans are invited. Also, everything is back to normal for the FFA Alumni hog roast and eagle hatch on November 5th.
The Elementary School Principal was next and stated that fire safety has been conducted in the classrooms and dental hygiene will be for students in grades 1 through 4 coming this week.
The Technology Supervisor spoke after and stated that work is being done to repair some of the Clevertouchs and work will continue, to fix the WIFI issues and that more AP units will be added.
Moving to the Financial report, approval was given for the September 2021 Financial report and the five-year forecast and supporting notes for fiscal years 2022-2026.
Next, the following donations were approved: $945.66 to purchase 2 Ipads, covers and a tripod for Athletic Activities. $267.00 from Ortinau Art for FFA activities; A donation of school supplies from West Franklin Methodist Church with a value of $75.00; $1,070.00 to purchase a NASP scoring scanner from Brooke Willis Rights and Baylee Willis to use for archery meets and practice; A donation for material and construction of bow stands and quivers from Jason Phillips to use for archery meets and practice with a value of $500.
Moving on to staffing, the board approved the monthly substitute list for teachers and Paras from NwoESC for FY22. A Memorandum of Understanding with Fayette Schools and OASPE Chapter #21 was also approved to modify Article V, Item #10 bus routes.
This will add, A Bus Driver within classification will be paid at their current rate for athletic or fields trips to Article V and is effective as of September 16th, 2021.
The board then moved to approve the following staffing changes: Barb Bruggeman as a substitute teacher for Fayette Local Schools for FY 2022; Intermittence FLMA for Amy Gorsuch beginning October 12, 2021 – November 16, 2021.; An unpaid leave for Gina Howard on March 8, 2022; Rescind a motion from May 17, 2021, # 21-38 for Heath Armstrong as 8th grade boys’ basketball coach; A one-year supplemental contract for Tyler Downing as 8th grade boys’ basketball coach for FY22 pending proper licenses, certifications, background and reference checks; Lindsey Burkholder as a substitute classified position for cafeteria for FY 22 pending proper background and reference checks.
The board then moved to approve the updated Neola Policies Volume 40 No. 1 and the Fiscal Year 2022 winter sports admission pricing.
Approval was also given for the FFA students to attend the National FFA Convention on October 27th through the 29th at Indianapolis, Indiana. The board then moved to adjourn at 6:49 p.m.