PROJECT UPDATES Tech Director Mike Zimmerman left shares with the board updates on current technology projects
By: Amy Wendt
The Pettisville Board of Education met for its regular monthly meeting with Brent Hoylman, Justin Rufenacht, Pam Skates, and Barry Hoylman in attendance, while board member Scott Rupp was absent.
Also on hand were administrators Superintendent Josh Clark, Treasurer Chris Lee, Elementary Principal Jason Waldvogel, High School/Jr. High Principal Adam Wagner, and District Director of Technology Mike Zimmerman.
Zimmerman took a moment to share with the board notable technology updates taking place within the district.
He first shared that his department will see staff shifting next school year with Technology Assistant, Jenea Lammers, moving over to the school’s library.
As the current Tech Assistant, Lammers takes care of configuring the students’ Chromebook system and also handles iPad management.
The district’s website and social media presence are also handled by Lammers, and she will carry on with those duties at her new post in the library next school year.
Gabe Jaramillo, who is currently a bus driver and coach for the district, will be replacing Lammers in the Technology Department and Zimmerman is looking forward to him joining the IT staff.
As for current projects, the school will soon be seeing a network and wireless upgrade with a little help from the Federal E-Rate Program.
The Federal E-Rate Program offers discounted telecommunications and internet services to eligible schools and libraries, ensuring they have affordable access to technology for educational purposes.
A vendor has been chosen and Zimmerman is waiting for approval from the E-Rate program before the project begins.
The equipment to be replaced includes 20+ network switches that are original to the building and the current plan entails reducing that number of 20 switches down to around 15.

The building’s wireless capability will also see an overhaul with 33 access points being updated in the academic areas to ensure student connectivity in classrooms.
Zimmerman pointed out that much of the current equipment being replaced is at its end-of-life stage and can no longer be repaired or reconfigured for better performance.
The board also received an update on the 911Inform system recently installed at the school and Zimmerman provided two examples of how the system has already been put to use since its inception.
The 911Inform system offers real-time communication between first responders and designated school staff during emergencies. When a 911 call is placed within the school, it triggers an emergency event in the software, alerting school administrators, dispatchers, law enforcement, and EMTs.
This system also incorporates connected door controls, enabling dispatchers or staff to manage building access during an emergency situation if necessary.
Moving on to the gymnasium sound system, Zimmerman recalled that the audio in the large room had been adequate over the years since its installation when the new school was built.

However, the sound did not carry well in some areas of the expansive space which necessitated the need for an upgrade.
After speaking with five different vendors about the project, Harter Sound of Montpelier was chosen to design and install a system to better fit the school’s needs.
Zimmerman then invited all board members to follow him to the gymnasium for a demonstration of the final product. As everyone entered the large empty gym, the tech director clicked a few buttons on his iPad, filling the room with music reminiscent of what one might hear when the Blackbird basketball team makes a grand entrance for a big game.
Superintendent Clark took the microphone and in true announcer style, invited each board member to stand at the center of the basketball court, offering them a different perspective on the sound quality.
After each member had their turn, they dispersed throughout the room to gauge the audio quality from various vantage points.
Board member Pam Skates commented that the project was complete in perfect timing for the upcoming graduation ceremony.

Back in the conference room, the board adopted the Consent Agenda which included acceptance of the March 2024 meeting minutes as well as the approval of financial reports and payment of bills as presented by the treasurer.
In personnel matters, the board approved the hiring of Jen Bergstedt as bus driver for the 2024-2025 school year. Superintendent Clark noted that Bergstedt will be bringing with her to the district many years of bus driving experience as she previously served for Napoleon Area Schools and Northwest Ohio Educational Service Center in the same capacity.
BOE members also approved a motion to adopt a 3% salary increase on the base for all staff members not covered by the Pettisville Teachers Association for the 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 school years. The measure also allows the board to deposit $2,000 into these employees’ Health Savings Accounts.
In the Board Report, President Brent Hoylman reminded his colleagues that the Junior/Senior Prom is slated for April 20 and board members will be on hand to assist with directing traffic at walk-ins.
Moving on to the treasurer’s report, Mr. Lee highlighted a revenue sheet showing interest income received by the district. Across all funds, Pettisville School has received $146,040 in revenue from investment interest.
In elementary news, Principal Waldvogel began by noting that students will begin testing during the week of April 8.
Waldvogel then took a moment to offer a note of thanks to Mary Sauder for coordinating “The Bird Perch” community hour which is hosted by the Elementary.
The initiative, which began in 2012, offers the community an opportunity to meet with school staff members to discuss district happenings.
Waldvogel noted that public interest in the “Bird Perch” has grown steadily with around 35 in attendance at the last gathering.
The next Bird Perch community meeting will be held in the school’s Atrium on Friday, April 14 at 9:00 a.m. and the public is welcome to attend.
According to Waldvogel, Kindergarten registration “went really well” with approximately 46 students registered to date. It was also noted that this is a rather large number for the small school compared to previous years.
Sharing news from the high school and junior high grades, Principal Wagner highlighted that later on in the week, students will be treated to a motivational presentation about overcoming adversity by former Harlem Globetrotter Melvin Adams.
The former NCAA All-American basketball player and Harlem Globetrotter is known for his energetic presentations. Born in Texas, Melvin faced adversity at the age of 13 upon the passing of his father.
Soon after, sports became his refuge, leading him to excel in high school and later in college. After college, Melvin pursued professional basketball, eventually joining the Harlem Globetrotters.
Retiring in 2000, he shifted focus to motivating others to achieve personal success by sharing his inspiring story.
Wagner went on to note that high school and junior high students just wrapped up Student Appreciation Week where they had a chance to step away from the norm and take part in special sessions such as fishing and campfire cooking.
Volunteers and staff pulled together and pitched in to make ice cream sundaes and serve hot chocolate for the event.
Wagner noted that the students were excited and engaged in the sessions and it was great to see students from different grades intermingling while taking part in classes based on their interests.
Students in grades 7 through 12 will also see testing begin in April starting with English and then moving on to math, science, and social studies as the month progresses.
The next Pettisville Board of Education meeting will be held on May 13, 2024, at 7:00 p.m.