DISCOVERY FFA DEGREE The recipients of the Discovery FFA Degree in the Pettisville FFA chapter after receiving their certificates From left Maggie Ripke Brynnley Schwartz Khail Beiber Ty Morrison Maddison Miller Ali Genter Locke Boulton
By: Sophie Sterken
On Tuesday, February 6th, Pettisville FFA held its annual Degree Ceremony. At this ceremony, first and second-year members were presented with their Greenhand and Chapter Degrees, respectively.
As a new addition this year, eligible junior high members received the Discovery FFA Degree. Seventeen seventh and eighth grade FFA members received the Discovery Degree.
This degree is awarded to junior high members who have paid their full FFA dues and participated in one FFA activity outside of scheduled class time, among other requirements.
Twenty first-year high school FFA members received their Greenhand Degree. To be eligible for this degree, members must have satisfactory plans for programs of supervised agricultural experience, among other requirements.

Eight second-year high school FFA members were awarded their Chapter FFA degree. This degree is given to members who have completed 180 hours of agricultural education at or above the ninth-grade level, participated in the planning and conducting of at least three FFA events, effectively led a group discussion for 15 minutes, demonstrated five procedures of parliamentary law, and participated in at least ten hours of community service, among other requirements.
In addition to presenting members with their degrees, Pettisville FFA had the privilege of welcoming Ohio FFA State Officer Ava Evers to the ceremony.
Ava is currently serving as one of Ohio FFA’s state vice presidents at large. Throughout the school day leading up to the ceremony, Ava spoke to the ag classes and led workshops for students.
Once again, congratulations to all degree recipients!