SPEAKING CONTEST Ava Genter right and Sophie Sterken after competing in the District FFA Public Speaking contest at Fairview High School
By: Sophie Sterken
On January 23, two Pettisville FFA members competed in the Fulton County Public Speaking CDE. Ava Genter, a sophomore, participated in the Beginning Prepared Division and placed first.
Sophie Sterken, a senior, competed in the Extemporaneous Division, and placed first. Both Ava and Sophie then advanced to the District 1 FFA competition.
The district competition consisted of the winners from across the five counties in District 1. Ava placed first in her division and Sophie placed second in her division, advancing them both to the state level of competition, which will take place on March 2.
On January 24, five FFA members competed in the State Grain Merchandising CDE, which consisted of an online test. The team placed 2nd in the district, with Lily Wiemken being Pettisville’s highest scorer. She placed third in the district individually.