FINAL MEET OF SEASON … Luke 13:38 ESV, “And behold some are last who will be first.” In the first five season meets, Pettisville Missionary’s Bible Quiz team, Awe, consistently placed as one of the top four scoring teams, but never first. At the sixth and last meet held March 3, Awe placed first with the season’s highest one day average of 154 points! Front row: In their four wins, Zander Stamm scored 140 points; Cooper Roth, 140; Elijah Bloomer, 80; Bekley Stamm, 140; and Walker Armstrong, 40. Second row: Averaging 133 in four wins and a loss were Central’s Serpents and Scorpions with Bo King, 150; Eve Crossgrove, 150; Aaron Miller, 135; and Preston Nofziger, 150. For the second week in a row, Pettisville Missionary’s Reckless Living made the top four teams, this time going 4-1 and averaging 123 points. Third row: Mollie Roth, 100; Brianna Norr, 150; Nautica Stamm, 135; Drake Peterson, 55; and Liam Hageman, 135. Back row: Most Excellent from King’s Cross averaged 120 and went 3-1 for the day with Ben Mosier, 30; Max Grunden, 90; Elijah Grunden, 140; Eamon Bird, 35; and Andrew Yenser, 140.