The Pettisville Local Board of Education appointed two men to the Pettisville School Foundation at a special meeting Feb. 23.
In addition to the appointments, the board remembered the life of Board Member Loren Roth who died Feb. 13 after about a 23-month battle with cancer.
“He was starting his 12th year on the Pettisville Local Board of Education, having been first elected in November 2005,” Superintendent Steve Switzer said. “He was an extremely dedicated member of the board who went the extra mile to become and remain well versed in the issues facing the school.
“It seems dismissive to speak of him as a board member when that was just one aspect of his well lived life. Loren was the kind of person you were privileged to have as a friend, coach, teacher, boss, or any other role you can name.
“His passing will create a significant void on this board, in this community, to his family, friends, church family and work family. They simply do not come any finer than Loren Roth. We will miss him.”
Appointed to the PSF were John King for the term including the years 2017, 2018, and 2019, and Brent King to complete the term including the years 2016-2017-2018.
The board also went into executive session, with no formal action taken.
James Pruitt may be reached at